Attack of the Mold | Teen Ink

Attack of the Mold

March 5, 2018
By BenBei BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
BenBei BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The Way Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing.”

Chapter 1 The Mold Man

Just a normal day in Kanto Town, the birds are chirping, old people being helped across the road and the sandwich on the counter.
    “I wonder if the sandwich is still good?” I took a bite of the sandwich, little did I know it had been sitting there for about 2 weeks. I threw the moldy sandwich in the trash and I ran swiftly to the bathroom and spit it out in the toilet and flushed. I knew I swallowed some but didn't think it was a big deal. A few days passed and it only got worse, my whole body was feeling fatigued. While I was at school that day, a bully named Scott Herman was telling me to give him my lunch money, and before I knew what to say I got angry and grew 10ft. The worst part was… I was made out of the mold! I always wanted to be a superhero. That day I chose to fight crime as Thomas The Mold Man. I could transform into mold at any time and grow or shrink. I was super flexible too. The only downside is I always smell like moldy food, which isn't that bad because I already smell pretty foul.
    “I will stop all crime in this town, I am Thomas the mold man!”

Five Years Later
“I will destroy you mold man, but not at the moment I need something to cover my nose.”   

Chapter 2, Mr. Clean
    Just a normal day in Kanto Town, the birds are chirping, old people being helped across the road and the giant bar of soap destroying the town.
    “Wai,t a giant bar of soap destroying the town? I don't remember that.” I transformed into a mold helicopter and flew up to the bar of soap. Inside it, I saw a familiar face.
    “Hello, Mold Man, It is I Mr. Clean and I see you are very stinky today.” He said.
“Yes I am Mr. Clean, and I am here to take you down,” I said.
“Impossible, I am inside a machine made of your weakness, soap!” He replied.
“No, it can't be!” I yelled. *Wapoo* the giant soap grew hands and slapped me through 3 buildings. My powers started to fade away, I became weaker than I was before I got the powers.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Mr. Clean laughed. I the scared kid that I was, retreated. I was good at that. It had been 3 days and my powers finally became strong again. I flew back to fight Mr. Clean for round 2. This time I brought gloves and soaps weakness water.
“I'm so smart,” I said.
“No your not,” Someone said in the background. *Wapoo* The giant soap grabbed Thomas and threw him on the ground. The Soap’s leg raised and came down with a massive thud. The soap lifted its leg and the only thing left was a moldy sandwich.
“Ooo a sandwich!” A bystander said. “Mr soap man, Hi I'm Jonah, can I eat that moldy sandwich?”
“No, you can't eat the…”
“Yum that was delicious I love moldy food.” said Jonah. “You got any more, It was so goooooooooooooood ahhhhhhhhhhh!” jonah scream. Jonah grew 664”, which was taller than the soap. Jonah grabbed the soap and…

Chapter 3, A tale of two men
Jonah Grabbed the bar of soap and threw it in a giant bathtub, that broke the world record for biggest bathtub filled with water. The water melted the soap and Mr. Clean had no more protection.
    “How is this possible you just ate the sandwich and you know all your powers and how to use them?!” said Mr. Clean.
    “Mr. Clean after eating the sandwich I became smart and I got Thomas's memories, good and bad,” said Jonah.
    “NOOOOOOOOOOO!” Yelled Mr. Clean as he was put in the police cruiser. Another day saved by Thomas inside Jonah. *Boom*
    “It's the Thomas alert, I gotta get to the president...

The End
For now

The author's comments:

I chose to write about this because I almost ate a moldy sandwich once.

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