The battle of the creatures- prologue | Teen Ink

The battle of the creatures- prologue

March 11, 2018
By em8631875 BRONZE, Nelson , Other
em8631875 BRONZE, Nelson , Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My name is Isabella Harrington and  I am 13 years old currently anyway. I live with my Parents Anna and Sage in a small village  south of a place called ‘The rock caves of Paradise’. My Mother is the Mayor of the village so she has to stay late at work most nights , but  because my Father is a school Teacher he doesn’t get to stay at work long so he can put me to sleep and tuck me in every night. My favourite thing about bedtimes are the stories that my Father tells me about The Trolls and the magical creatures who live in ‘The rock caves of Paradise’. He says to me that the stories he tells me  are a Myth that his Father told him.

One night Sage (Isabella’s father) was heading to Isabella’s  room to tell her the bedtime story but on his way to her room he found his old explorer book about the magical creature myth. He showed Isabella the book that night and he said ‘This was my book when I was little and in it is the myth about the magical creatures and all my findings I found when I was little when I tried  to prove to my father that his stories were true. One day my father told me to give up my search, he told me that it’s just a silly story that was told throughout history and that there was no such thing anyway. He told me not to believe in such made up fairy tales. I stopped  searching to please my father, but I still believed no matter what my father told me I did and still do have faith and believe that the magical creatures really do exist. It is time I give this book to you Isabella because your belief of the creatures is very strong , I do know this for sure one day very soon you will be ready to go out searching  for the magical creatures and finish what I started’.  Isabella’s face lit up like a smiling lightbulb, she was very happy and excited to carry-on her father’s journey. Sage kissed her on the cheek and blew the candle out, ‘goodnight my little explorer’ he whispered.

Once her father was gone Isabella jumped out of bed and went to her window, she imagined herself finding the magical creatures and making her father proud. She couldn’t  wait until she set off to explore.

She stood there in the face of the night, looking up at the stars. She closed her eyes and made one final wish, a wish that would make her  happy  again... a wish that would change her life forever. She slowly opened her  eyes and a wave of reality  hit her. As Isabella got into bed all She could do was hope because what she didn’t know  changed her life forever in a blink of an eye. She closed her eyes  the noise of people promoting loudly for men to sign up for the army outside her window made Isabella shiver and also made her hope that one day just one day her life would change into something more amazing. 

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