The name cade | Teen Ink

The name cade

September 26, 2018
By tempovoyager BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
tempovoyager BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It started as a nickname in the old english language that they called someone who was lumpy and gentle.  But lumpy and gentle is quite the opposite of what comes to mind. More like small but skillful at the same time.  Almost like a thief. Sneaky and effective. Claiming what he wants and not getting punished for it.

No history of this name in my family.  Just a name that my parents seemed to enjoy.  A name with infinite words that rhyme with it.  It reminds me of a dark blue, an ocean like blue.  But the name itself is nothing that compares to the ocean.  The name is small, smooth, and not as violent as the ocean.

I was named after an NFL quarterback.  He had no relation to me. Football player, but quite an awful one.  Started 2 games in his career and had more interceptions than touchdowns. Sat on the bench.  Was more of a follower than a leader. This is not something I would imagine someone with this name would be.

A name so short and so easy to pronounce and people still seem to get it wrong.  When introducing myself people often times misinterpret what I am saying and call me things that have nothing to do with what is actually is.  Often I get called katie, like a girl name. But when they see me. They realize I’m not a girl at all.

A family of C’s.  Me, my brother, my grandpa, some of my cousins all start with the letter c.  My brother, Connor, and I never get confused though. He is the exact opposite as me.  He is like the empire state building and I’m just a small convenience store. As he is very  We are similar in personality but opposite in appearance. My brother is tall and very large.  I am small and he towers over me.

Never another name has came to mind for me.  I enjoy my name. It resembles me. Its small and not very complex.  It reminds me of an ocean like blue. But in comparison to the ocean, it is just a small pond in the middle of nowhere.  It is unique and not many possess it. That is why I enjoy it so much. It’s different. Cade. That is the name. Who knew a name with the 4 out of the first 5 letters of the alphabet could be so auspicious.

The author's comments:

Wrote in english class.  The assignment was called the name essay.  It resembles the name cade in my perspective.

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