Mind Maze | Teen Ink

Mind Maze

November 26, 2018
By Rae20 SILVER, Warsaw, Indiana
Rae20 SILVER, Warsaw, Indiana
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Somewhere hidden away, there is a vast labyrinth with towering walls carved from the smoothest agate stone. The stone creates a beautiful picture of flowing color that blends together and separates in the perfect ways. Blooming from the ground around these walls are bachelor buttons. The vibrant blue flowers lead the walls along the paths and guide them through the twists and turns of the maze. Written in small lettering on the petals of these flowers are dreams both big and small. Wishes and hopes for the future that may or may not come true.

The paths that carry these flowers are made of soft grass which welcomes the comforting rays of the bright sun. The grass is warm and bright, not a spot of it scratchy or dying. The soil underneath is cool in an odd contrast. It holds in the moisture of the light spring showers that pass by every so often. From all around the surrounding trees, birds sing happily to one another, flying from tree to tree and exploring the youthful area of the labyrinth. As the paths carry on the walls fade from agate to pure stone laced with bloodstone. The bloodstone stands out against the smooth gray. Here, the bachelor buttons fade into bittersweet flowers with purple petals and a bright yellow center. The grass begins to harden as the soil tends to dry.


The words etched across the flower petals become more serious and transition from dreams to memories and stories of diar significance. These stories are both happy and sad as the words are spelled out word by word and petal by petal. Contrary to the bright, peaceful sunshine there are now a few clouds trailing the sun and dotting it out every so often. A shadowed beam of light falls across the path, giving enough shelter so the outline of the sun in visible through the silver of the cloud.

The paths soon become more brittle and the clouds increase, spanning across the visible sky. The walls change from bloodstone to a pure form of polished granite. As the paths continue through the twisting labyrinth, the flowers slowly die as fade away as the grass browns. The grass is brittle and the soil dry. There are no bird songs in the air but instead the sickening sound of a heavy metal connecting with the granite walls. Etched into the walls are word fragments that come to pain a haunting fable. Carved deep into the stones are deep gouges that lead deeper into the torsion.

Crowded and hunched over one another are distorted creatures. Their claws are crafted from sharp and gleaming iron that is curved to a tip. They crawl over one another to carve deep and haunting words into the granite walls that box them in. It begins to drizzle over them, the rain soaking their fur and painting the air with the intoxicating wet dog smell. They growl and hiss hateful and doubtful insults while they scratch and bite at one another, ripping each other to shreds as an effect of their mission to rip the impenetrable walls down.

They began in a cage made of copper that was meant to hold them back, but they ripped it through with their iron claws. They poured from the cage in which they were held in the dark, beginning to tear through the labyrinth and carry the darkness with it. The twists and turns become more puzzling and the growls louder and words clearer and deeper.

It carries on and on in a tantalizing spiral of pain and noise and terror until it stops.

The noises stop and the growls cease to echo, the granite walls are free of the ghastly obstructions. The rain is suddenly replaced with an almost blinding darkness. Darkness that is pierced by the clarity of the moon and it's sister stars. In the middle of this beautiful darkness is a garden.

Sunflowers grow from the beautiful grass all around, a drastic difference from the painful and brittle texture only steps behind. The sunflowers stretch towards the sky, nearing the height of the walls. They are so tall and luminous that the rest of the torsion seems to fade away and isolate the midnight garden.

Sometimes the terrible monsters creep deeper into the maze, toying at the edge of the garden. Their claws tip into the soft grass, but the iron hisses and the creatures fall back in pain. The light that the garden provides keeps their dire mission to spread the darkness at bay. The flowers stretch as protection around the core of the labyrinth and in return protects the soul of the creation.

One day, it is possible that the beasts will gain land and inch into the sacred garden, but never will they overpower the moonlight that surrounds the vulnerable flower. The stars forbid it and will forever guard the peaceful place.

Some days are worse than others. Sometimes the flowers may wilt and pieces of the wall may crumble away, only to be replaced with the new bud of life and the new stories scribed on the petals. These walls are crafted to never crumble and never allow the demons through. They were crafted specifically to hold together the perfect serenity of the labyrinth and all it preserves inside.

The author's comments:

This is a bit of prose poetry that I thought up in my creative writing class.

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