Jesus as He hangs on the Cross | Teen Ink

Jesus as He hangs on the Cross

December 1, 2018
By Baileyd BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
Baileyd BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To all my beloved ones,

I lie here on the cross for the sake of the life of each and every one of you. It may seem like I did not have a choice, but I did, and I chose to give up my life to free you from this horrible burden called sin. I would make the same decision over and over and not think twice about giving up my life in place of yours. I urge that you do not mourn over me but rejoice and be joyful because Christmas is a time of gathering with your friends and family and being grateful for all of the things you have. I may not be there physically, but I will always be there in your heart each and every day. However, you must not forget the true meaning of Christmas and become greedy. The most important thing to remember is that Christmas is not a time of gifts but a time of spreading love. I suggest that instead of receiving and buying all of these gifts, give to those who are less fortunate and may not have a home. Simple acts like these go a long way and simply bring peace into our world. Now, go out, rejoice, and spread unconditional love towards anyone and everyone.  

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