Riley | Teen Ink


December 13, 2018
By louisdj11 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
louisdj11 BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In a NY alley, lived a dog named Riley. He was a 2-year-old german shepherd that was part of the NYPD k9 force. His original owner died so Riley ran away. He's been living in the streets for 2 months. Riley was the kind of dog that was willing to give his life for whoever he felt comfortable with or trusted. Riley walks down the street every day to a deli where the owner named Edwin gives him food. Edwin recently had his first child so Riley didn't see him for a few days. Riley was hungry, so he decided to find a way inside the deli to grab some food. He jumped through an open window in the back alley. but to his surprise, it wasn't the deli he entered. He looks up to see a tall Spanish man with a cigar in hand. The man says ¨ well what do we have here¨ as Riley is growling at him. ¨you´ll be perfect for the fighting ring dog. Your gonna make me rich¨ said the man. As Riley went climbing back out the window, the man captured Riley in a cage and put him in the back of his van. They arrive at an underground dog fighting ring where there are about 40 people in a circle. In the middle are 2 dogs viciously biting at one another? Riley was a quick thinker and managed to knock over his cage and open then bolted his way out. His police training helped him to track down Edwin's house. When he gets there, he says a huge fire at the house. edwin was outside with his wife screaming and yelling hysterically. ¨our son is still in there¨ says Edwin's wife. The fire chief says to them, ¨we can't go back in there. Where sorry.¨ as he tries to calm Edwin and his wife down. Riley bolts into the burning house looking for the child. Riley hears a child's scream. Riley runs and grabs the kid with his mouth. Riley then gets hit with a burning piece of wood. He ignores his injuries and manages to get outside the house and places the baby at the feet of Edwin and his wife. They both hug Riley while an EMT checks over the baby. Riley was then taken to vet and got his injuries patched up. riley then went to live with Edwin and his family till he died at the age of 13. This is the story of Riley.

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