The story behind my name? | Teen Ink

The story behind my name?

February 28, 2019
By michaelc2404 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
michaelc2404 BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

According to the US Census Bureau, there are about 5,613 different common names being used in the United States. That's a lot of different names that could have been chosen for me, but my parents only choose one.

If my name represented a color, it would be blue.It's like a breezy but warm 70 degree  summer day when there is not a cloud in the sky, and you can feel the warm beams of the sun shine on your face. My name is like a deep dark blue lake, so dark you can see your reflection as clear as glass. The lake is surrounded by tall, wide oak trees, rising hundreds of feet into the air. Its calm, peaceful, refreshing.  It makes you feel comfortable and like you can be yourself.

In many different religions my name means “Who is like God” but I don't think that's very accurate. I believe that someone who is like god is the best and the greatest and is better than everyone else, which I am not. I am nothing special. Just average.


I am named after my uncle. He had his first child at 18. He was young and clueless, but never gave up on his son. he was responsible and started to plan ahead for his future. Even if he did not know what that was. My Uncles’ name is Michael, which has now been gifted to me. Along with his perseverance.


There are different nicknames for Michael, such as Mike or Mikey.  I notice how as I get older I become all right with nicknames. To me, Mikey is like a puppy, clueless and gets excited about everything. But, Mike is like a new car. It's reliable and you learn more about it as it ages. Whether it's Michael or Mike, it makes me feel like myself and like I am growing up.

I like my name though. Even though it does not literally reflect me by the basic definition, I think that the symbolism in the name does a pretty good job describing me and my personality.

I am Michael. Michael is calming and makes you feel comfortable and relaxed.   I love my name and think it reflects me very well, even if not in the literal way.

The author's comments:

This peice gives more insight into the meaning behind the name.

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