Blind | Teen Ink


March 13, 2019
By smilechild SILVER, Daytona Beach, Florida
smilechild SILVER, Daytona Beach, Florida
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
it is not in the stars that hold our destiny it is in ourselves.- shakespeare

It was time that I told this tale. It’s been festering in my soul – in my memories – for the longest time. This story is a short one, yet it seems to last for an eternity. This story is about a girl with haunting eyes.
Her eyes were so beautifully blue, and so pale, like the frozen fingers of wintery icicles that reached down from the edges of roofs. They were so bright and unseeing that they could be mistaken for the eyes of a blind soul – not just a blind body. So sightless - yet seeming to hold visions of the worlds that we cannot.
Her smile couldn’t be described as wry or knowing, deceiving or cunning. Her smile could only be described as… present. It always seemed to be on her face, that cynical grin, even when she herself wept with her heart-wrenchingly haunting eyes. She always seemed to stand, eyes wide and sightless and the smile that lay on her face always … present.
I did not know who she was. All I knew was her haunting eyes and ever-present smile. Sometimes she looked like me. Sometimes my father. Sometimes a stranger… but even as her appearance changed, her eyes did not. And the chilling feeling of seeing her know something I did not never escaped the air. She seemed to haunt me with her otherworldly intelligence, she seemed to tease me.
She’s very cruel in that aspect – following me just to haunt me. I feared what she hid behind those eyes…. And I still do. What does she hide behind that icy smile that lay on her face, always present?


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