A World Loved By Me | Teen Ink

A World Loved By Me

April 12, 2019
By JByron BRONZE, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
JByron BRONZE, Buffalo Grove, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before" - Edgar Allan Poe

I soared through the blinding gates of heaven. Grand and beautiful, I shall not lie. However, I was appalled by the society that had greeted me. Where the souls of the blind witnessed angels. I witnessed slaves groveling, kissing the floor with their wounded lips, and wings of illusion hanging from their slouched backs. Above the half born species was the king. He sat on his throne with a sadistic grin and his forehead held high. My soul quickly filled with disgust, I left this false paradise. I would rather burn in hell.

I trudged through the maddening gates of hell. I shall not lie, it was frightening and revolting. I observe some of the residents. No chains, but no reason. Lunacy! Actions of folly wherever I look! How pitiful! Almost as pitiful as heaven, if not equal. I must leave this place at once! Hell is no place for me. I would rather cease to exist.

Lost in a space of darkness and light. Belonging nowhere, I decide to crawl into the depths of my soul, my own world. I strut through the awakened gates of my soul, extremely wise and beautiful, yet grotesque and completely repulsive. How stunning! Love and hate, chaos and peace, reason and lunacy. All formed into one, and no healthy evil, nor healthy good shall be shunned. A world where I live under the laws within myself. A world that no one other than myself can truly understand. A world loved by God. A world loved by me.

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