Wisconsin | Teen Ink


March 15, 2021
By Anonymous

As I walk outside, the heavy but calming snow falls to the ground. Each step I took carefully didn't slip on the icy sidewalk. I stop to look around, the trees are all glistening with crystal white snow. With each step I become more and more cautious as I feel myself starting to slip. The snow is starting to pick up and I feel the yearly resentment of living in Wisconsin. The wind blows across my face and the bitterness draws tears to my eyes.

I look up to the sky that looks like a snowglobe with the snow gently coming down. I look around and all I see is a crisp, white blanket of snow surrounding me. As I’m quickly walking down the sidewalk, enjoying the snow's beauty but still cold, I grab some snow off the ground. The numbness of the cold snow fills my hand immediately. 

I stop once I reach the bridge over a little stream. I take in the natural beauty of this world, knowing that I could not ask for anything better. The stream slowly flows while the snow gently evaporates from the water's touch. Childhood memories flood back into my mind of ice skating on the pond ahead. My hate of Wisconsin winter’s slowly starts to fade away. The snow glistens, the water gently moves, and the calmness of the snow falling puts me at ease. Taking in each second of this winter wonderland, I slowly walk back to my car. 

The author's comments:

Talking about the harsh cold of Wisconsin during the winter and the things I dislike and the things I like. 

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