A stormy evening | Teen Ink

A stormy evening

March 18, 2021
By Anonymous

Cody slipped the car to the side of the street and onto a smaller road of gravel. The gravel spat to the sides, water pouring down from the sky, making the windshield wet and blurry. He tightly grabbed the steering wheel and followed the shaky road. The rain got heavier, Jasper clutched to the car door, grasping onto whatever is in sight. He ducked as he saw a deer running over the road further away, its bright eyes staring wildly at them. Poor deer, Jasper thought. Cody rambled around in the glove department and with other hand clutched the steering wheel with all his might.

“What are you doing?” Jasper shouted through the thunder.

“I need to find a map!” Cody answered and for a long second lost the grip of the wheel.

“What map? We already know the way!”

“To the lighthouse!” Cody said loudly just another thunder ramble came.

“The lighthouse? Watch the road!” Jasper interrupted himself.

“Maybe Howard went to the lighthouse to rest?” Jasper then also started searching in his glove department. Under the old gum, used napkins, some weird washing soap he felt a plastic map and with effort pulled it out. The gravel road was very bumpy, numerous times, Jasper had to press himself to the seat to not hit his head. Though soon they saw no more trees, only a wide, deep ocean, splashing water on the street and waves clashing in the storm. Even though they held to the right side of the road, Cody thought the ocean would take them any second, its waves coming closer, bigger.

“Hey, could you take over the steering wheel for a bit?” Cody asked, crawling to the back seat.

“Wha-what?” Jasper exclaimed and desperately reached for the wheel “,Cody come back! I don’t have a driver’s license!” he yelled.

“Turn right!” Cody shouted, in horror Jasper watched the street railing coming closer and closer. “How?!”

“Just turn- “

Howard sat quetly at a table and sipped his sweet tea, with a taste of cinnamon. His hair, still not dry, was a mess. The steam of the tea warming his chin and nose. Howard crept deeper into his sweater and took the teabag out. Howard thought of his friends, they were probably studying or something. It was just typical that that the rainstorm came exactly today.

“Here’s the cake for you sir!” A waiter said and placed a chocolate covered vanilla cake in front of him.  Howard smiled and thanked the waiter, as he cut it, warm raspberry sauce flowed out. This I deserve after surfing for three hours, he thought and ate it.

The author's comments:

This story is about two people searching for their friend in a stormy evening.

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