The Valentine's Diaster | Teen Ink

The Valentine's Diaster

April 29, 2021
By Anonymous

    Once upon a time in the village of Valentine, the villagers were preparing to celebrate their favorite holiday, Valentine’s Day. The villagers go all out in decorating even though it’s an ephemeral holiday. One night when one certain villager, Alexi, was decorating, he got attacked. The person who attacked Alexi, broke his arm so he couldn’t decorate anymore. Alexi’s wife, Taylor, was very pertinacious when investigating the town to see who would want to hurt someone for decorating. She figured it would be someone with a lackadaisical Valentine’s Day interest. She investigated town workers on the night shift and the sheriff on duty.

    The day before Valentine’s day, Taylor alleged the attack on the mailman. She said that he was the only one who would be able to get close enough to a house without being suspicious. The mailman and Taylor had an argument, but Taylor’s points were irrefutable since the mailman had no alibi. The mailman accepted the blame that was put on him even though it wasn’t true.

    On Valentine's day, the mailman showed up at Alexi and Taylor’s bucolic house with chocolates and a Valentine’s day card. He said that he hopes they have a good Valentine’s day and Alexi’s arm heals quickly. Due to his Valentine’s day spirit, Taylor had a change of heart. She started to believe that mailman was not the man who ruined Alexi’s Valentine’s Day and felt bad for accusing him.

    In the end, Taylor invited the mailman over for a nice Valentine’s Day dinner in hopes that he would forgive her for putting the blame on him. At the end of the day, they made up and lived happily ever after.

The author's comments:

This piece was written in 5 minutes during my class. It was a fun short story about Valentine's day on Valentine's day. 

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