Inigo Montoya Movie vs. Book | Teen Ink

Inigo Montoya Movie vs. Book

May 17, 2021
By mira-0751 BRONZE, Northport, Alabama
mira-0751 BRONZE, Northport, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Inigo Montoya is a great swordsman and one of the main characters in the book The Princess Bride by William Goldman. We recently contacted him to have an interview with us about his thoughts on the filmed version of the book which he starred in. Here are some of the highlights of the conversation over zoom. 

How do you feel about not a lot of your backstory being shown in the film?

I wish they would’ve included more so that people would understand me better. 

Do you like the way you look in the movie?

Yes, I think I look great. 

Do you think the movie made you seem eviler?

I think I'm the same amount of evil in the movie as in the book.

In the movie, do you think your battle with Fezzik to get into the zoo of death should’ve been portrayed more?

I think so, it was a cool and important scene that portrayed mine and Fezzik’s heroicness.

Does it bother you that in the fight between you and the Man in black, you were shown to be weaker in the movie as in the book? 

Yes, it does indeed bother me. I have dedicated all my life to becoming the best swordsman I possibly can and The M.I.B. may be a good fighter but I am a lot better than I was portrayed to be.

In the book how you, Fezzik, and Vizzini came together and became friends is clearly described, which is completely left out in the movie, do you think it should’ve been included? 

I don't think it is super important, but I think it would have helped the viewers understand how our odd group fits together.

In the book, when Princess Buttercup jumps in the water there are sharks wanting to eat her, while in the movie there are shrieking eels. Which version do you like better?

I like the movie version better. Sharks are scary, shrieking eels are scarier.

When you and Fezzik were searching for Westley, the book went into full detail of your long and hard search, but in the movie, the search was made short and easy. Do you think the movie is dishonoring you by making it easier than it was? 

I do think it is rude that they made it seem easy since it was hard work and showed a lot of strength from both of us. 

Do you like the book or the movie more?

There are pros and cons to both, I can’t decide since the book goes into a lot of detail but leaves out a lot of scenes, while the movie gives a great visual but is somewhat rushed in my opinion.

Last Question: How do you feel about the reunion scene between the M.I.B.(Westley) and princess buttercup being left out in the book? 

I think it should’ve been included since it was a beautiful and somewhat ironic scene, maybe Goldman could’ve just made it shorter than in the original version. 

The author's comments:

This Interview is between me and the fictional character Inigo Montoya from the book The Princess Bride about a comparison between the book and the Movie. 

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