At My Victim | Teen Ink

At My Victim

May 28, 2021
By scarlett17 BRONZE, Winchester, California
scarlett17 BRONZE, Winchester, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I took a deep breath, trying to get in that little zone in my head. It was like a switch I turned on. He had underestimated me enough. All of the weight, problems and dilemmas I had on my shoulders disappeared. I was playing a first person shooter game but in my mind and through my eyes. I gripped my sword like I was shaking the hand of someone's dad. I held the sword on my side. The sword was a sleek dark steel, with purple strings at the grip.  I looked my victim in my eye and held the sword in their  face then swung. One right move and I could pierce my sword through his stomach. My movements had to be precise and planned. I kept swinging and avoiding my enemy's swings. He slit my arm, but it was just a mere cut. I kept lunging my sword at him. I didn't stop. Until my sword finally touched the skin of his stomach. I shoved my sword into the muscles, skin and bone of his body.  I forced my weapon deeper into flesh till I saw his eyes widen. At that moment, I released my sword from his body.He fell from the ground with his eyes rolled back.  I looked at the sleek steel of my sword and wiped it down. I stared hard into my victims eyes. This was revenge. The blood on my hands was reasoned. 

The author's comments:

A piece about sword-fighting and revenge. 

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