I'm Wanted Dead by Daylight: legion chapter | Teen Ink

I'm Wanted Dead by Daylight: legion chapter

October 6, 2021
By Tjlikescats SILVER, Conway, South Carolina
Tjlikescats SILVER, Conway, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's a lie"-Kokichi ouma

    I start to drift off into a comfortable sleep when I heard my name being whispered. I start to answer when I remembered, I live alone. I ignored it and tucked back into the covers. I heard my name being called again so I decided to step outside for some fresh air. When I stepped outside my foot got caught in a bear trap. The pain of the trap pressing and cutting my leg was unbearable. I tried to get the bear trap off and it was surprisingly easy. It then dawned on me that I was not at my house and my door was gone. I was in a strange place that was very cold and windy. It was very snowy there as well. Before I could even question where I was, I was being chased by a masked person with a knife. They were catching up fast so I pulled down a random wood pallet to try and knock them out. It didn’t knock them out but it knocked them back a little.

    I was exploring when I came across a generator and noticed a man with glasses. He introduced himself as Dwight. He then proceeded to teach me how to fix the generators.

    “Wait… there are more than one generators?” I said, confused. 

    “Yeah there is, we have to do five to get out of here,” Dwight answered.

    I started helping Dwight fix the generator when I heard a heartbeat. The same one I had heard when I was being chased. The second the generator was repaired I booked it out of there. I ran as fast as I could and found another generator which two people were working on. I walked up to it to start helping got the generator done extremely fast. I hear another generator get fully repaired in the distance and realize. There's only 2 generators left.

    I decided to split up from the group and found a chest that had a key in it. After that I went to a strange shack that had a hatch in it. It looked like it would fit the key perfectly so I gathered everyone and opened the hatch and jumped in. The last thing I saw was everything go black

    When I gained consciousness I was back in my room. The empty shelf had I strange mask that looked like the one on the killer. Which was very weird. I decided to go back to sleep for the night.

The author's comments:

This was made using a two sentence horror story starter

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 13 2021 at 11:28 am
Tjlikescats SILVER, Conway, South Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's a lie"-Kokichi ouma

The legion is a masked killer with the ability feral frenzy. This ability allows the legion to go very fast, vault pallets, and inflict deep wound status effect on survivors. Deep wound creates a yellow bar next to the survivors icon. If this yellow bar runs out the survivor instantly goes down. This can be prevented by mending though.