oh 'sunny' day | Teen Ink

oh 'sunny' day

October 7, 2021
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

  Summer, what a lovely time of year. So cold so dark so, lifeless. Six-hundred years since the incident. Six-hundred years since we lost the sun. Stuck in the dark people and animals are fight for survival. Therefore, plants can no longer grow, animals are going extinct, good quality meat and herbs are luxuries only the rich can afford. My name is and this is year 8028…welcome to the future.

   I live in wall Mina with my family well my mom and brother to be exact. You see there are now four dividing walls. First there’s wall Lillian where all the high class rich folk live including our queen and king. Then comes wall Allora where the middles class lives it’s our main marketing center. Next up is wall Amber the home to all our nations farms. The farmers there are pretty nice. Though all crops grown there use artificial heat. Last but not least there’s wall Mina. My home. A place the poor and ‘useless’ live. Since everyone here is so poor we aren’t seen as important to the upper classes the only time they notice us is when there’s a war. That’s it we are nothing but soldiers to them pawns in their game. Though it’s not all bad here. Everyone gets along plus we are all happy here.

  Even though life is well it’s hard. We don’t have any heating systems or supplies. We may not be as privileged as the rich we get through it.

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