A Lack of Heart | Teen Ink

A Lack of Heart

October 7, 2021
By Mushr00m_Her0 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Mushr00m_Her0 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The loud of the roaring audience filled the air as they all watched the bloodbath ensue inside the small arena. Two men scuffled to win, however it had quite the twist to it. Hitoshi blocked a punch aimed at his side, the exposed metal of his torn skin glistened with fresh blood and the reflected gleam of burning hot spotlights overhead. The other android was swinging desperately at him, trying to knock Hitoshi down, its broken jaw clinging to it’s beaten face with sparks and smoke flying everywhere. When androids don’t win their fights, they are used as scrap metal for human use. This was the humans way of seeking twisted revenge for the Technological Advancement of 2045, which put half the population into homelessness as Androids had begun doing their jobs twice as fast and twice as better.

It was sickening for Hitoshi to watch this half-dead metal corpse try to bring him down with weak punches and gargled cries of pain as he swiftly grabbed the android's face, dragging them to the ground as the human referee counted. “1… 2… 3!” And the bell had rung. The crowd cried with joy and amusement as they had witnessed this slaughter firsthand. An advanced Self-Learning A.I. vs. A basic 2025 model robot, it was obvious who the humans placed their bets on.

Hitoshi stared down at his successful kill, staring at the wire tendons and sparks that flew at him. The gruesome broken metals peeking through the robot’s broken skin and bleeding face with empty, dim eyes… It felt horrifying for him to look at, yet he couldn’t stop staring. This was a sport created by humans, ‘A Sport’ he reassured himself. This should feel good- to win at least, and to be making people proud, this should be ‘Normal’ he reminded himself as the guards escorted him out of the arena into a backstage area down an aisle. He thought over and over how to justify this, yet all he could come to as a conclusion was ‘I did that’.


       “Well done, son!” An old man in a lab coat chimed as he watched the winning android walk through the door with two guards at his side. The scientist waved the guards away and grabbed Hitoshi’s wrist whilst leading him to a table set with paper over it to keep blood from staining the cold leather. “How do you feel?” The doctor asked. Of course- Robots can’t feel a thing, it’s a myth… but he was hoping such a joke would cause his creation to say something he has yet to document.

“Why do I have to fight?” Hitoshi asked, a sense of guilt in his voice as he kept his gaze towards the old tile floor of the lab-room.

“It’s what the people want, to see you out there giving it your all!” The doctor triumphantly chimed, “Nobody is hurting anyone, it's just a fun game to play- used to test you and other mech’s strengths.” He explained. “Years ago, this sport was to help put you...” He stalled a bit, searching for a word to describe these freaks of nature created by mankind itself. “Creations into a place where humans cannot harm you or anyone else. Do you understand?” Once he finished his full thought, he sat back and waited for Hitoshi to respond.

“Right.” Hitoshi blankly responded, having taken in and processed the information clearly. However, he couldn’t help but question… ‘Why would Humans make Robots fight one another? He knew it harmed Robots- but it didn’t harm Humans at all. In fact- Humans enjoyed the slaughter of the machines. Why? …Maybe he could leave this place- gather tons of robots and fight back somehow? Maybe…’ he thought. However, He would never dare bring up this thought out loud. Last time he did, he was forced into solitary confinement until that thought would’ve withered away. This cruelty was hard to comprehend. He simply sat and watched as the Scientist smiled kindly and began to repair his damaged skins and mechanical, exposed frame.

“… Ya’ know…” The scientist broke the silence. “Robots don’t need to be asking questions, so try to relax a bit. Okay? You have another fight tomorrow.” He told the android.

“yeah, you’re right.” Hitoshi responded as the room fell silent once again.

The author's comments:

This story is based around the backstory of a charecter i have drawn and grown up writing about ever since I was in the 7th grade. I am a horror (angst) writter who's facination for robots grows stronger with each passing year. This dystopian city Hitoshi (main charecter) lives in is Anti-Android for many reasons. Theyre made out to be monsters and thus, are forced to act like it as the government and community pourposely harms them for entertainment. Hitoshi is a Self-Learning AI who gains sentience and declairs that he wants to leave, as he begins to become aware of the unfair cruelty around him aimed at his kind.

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