IQ or I Die | Teen Ink

IQ or I Die

October 16, 2021
By Anonymous

Intelligence, high IQ, brainpower, understanding, all things humans can now not live without, quite literally. A dystopian society where the feeble-minded are slaughtered and the intelligent are given hope. A corrupted future where perfectionists roam the suburban streets, metropolitan plazas, the entire world. 

It was now time for the mandatory annual IQ tests. Ishiki jumped out of bed, changed into his worn-out clothes, and left for the large red building which had locations all around the world. The large red building where the tests took place. The large red building where it could all end. “The test will commence in ten minutes,” announced Code, the leader, and creator of this new society, through the intercoms. Everyone sat in their designated seats awaiting the start of the test. “Aye, you got a pencil Mei,” Ishiki whispered across the room but was met with no response. Although Mei was incredibly gifted with intelligence, she was still in full concentration mode as she barely passed last year's test. All she could think about was the fun and carefree moments she spent with Ishiki, Jigen, and Kushina, her three closest friends. “You may now begin,” Code announced with a wicked tone. Question after question, the time slowly ran out as everyone began finishing their tests. Code again announced, “Now that the test has concluded, you may now head to the front of the building to collect your sticker.” In this society, receiving a green sticker means you passed the test, and a red sticker means you are to be sent to the Gas Chamber. Everyone formed a line, and Ishiki, Mei, Jigen, and Kushina all lined up one behind the other to have a little chat, possibly their last. Mei received a green sticker. Jigen received a green sticker as well and so did Kushina. It was now Ishiki’s turn, and throughout all the years he has proven to be the smartest in his group so his passing was to be expected. “Ishiki, make your way to room 263,” the lady passing around the sticker said. Ishiki, with a surprised look on his face, did as he was told. The moment he entered and saw what was in the room, he knew something was off.

Code grew up being at the top of his classes, ahead of everyone, even the adults, but with all this intelligence came consequences. He believed that the world needed to be rid of the unintelligent as they were just burdens. The unintelligent was as useless as an umbrella with a big hole in it. His dad happened to be the U.S. President at the time, so as soon as he developed his plan, he took action. He murdered his dad and hid the evidence, thus becoming the new U.S. President. He brought the U.S. to the top, then he proceeded to use his intelligence to practically take over the world. His plan was only half complete though because now he needed to rid the world of the stupid. He implemented a yearly test system so that the ones who failed were eliminated (the IQ test previously mentioned). Eventually, only the intelligent remained united under Code, and all of them were perfectionists wanting to create the perfect world.

“I’ve been expecting you,” said Code to Ishiki as he walked into a small room with only one small desk and two chairs. The desk and the chair seemed so lonely in the small room. So lonely to the point that the desk cried out for help, for a friend, for it to be put out of its misery.  “Please sit down,” Code said, “I don’t bite.” “What do you want,” asked Ishiki in a ferocious tone. “I want to rid the world of its imperfections,” replied Code, “But more importantly, I want you to get out of my way.” Ishiki and his friends had always gone against Code’s motives, and Code saw this as a thorn in his side. Code knew Ishiki was on par with his intelligence, so having him as an enemy was not favorable. “A world where the weak-minded aren’t even given a chance is not a world I want to live in,” stated Ishiki. “You’re making a terrible mistake, but if it’s what you want, suit yourself,” said Code, “In three weeks' time, my people and I will go through with the final part of my plan which is to essentially blow up the entire world.” Ishiki had a shocked look on his face as he yelled out, “Blow up the world!” “Yes, the world will never be perfect, us humans will never be perfect, life itself will never be perfect,” Code said, “that is why the world must be destroyed.” “But why to waste our time with tests,” asked Ishiki. “I was simply naive you see, I tried to make a perfect world with only intelligent humans, but as the years went on, I realized that was simply a dream that I would never be able to make a reality,” replied Code. “I already knew you wouldn't get out of my way, so I only really brought you in here to let you know what’s really going on because I wanted to see what you would do next,” Code said, “will you try to stop me, or maybe perhaps give up, who really knows.” Ishiki sprinted out of the room before Code could finish his sentence.

Ishiki’s first move was to inform Mei, Jigen, and Kushina. He knew no one else would be of any help as they were all just brainwashed under Code. “Only three weeks before we die,” said Jigen with a scared look on his face. “We're going to find a way to stop him right,” asked Kushina. “Damn right we are,” replied Ishiki. Mei sat there looking a bit puzzled. “If Code knows that we’re a problem, why to tell us his plans,” said Mei. “I guess for the thrill of it,” replied Ishiki, “He wants a final showdown type of thing as the ones in movies.” One week passed just like that. Because time was starting to run out, Ishiki and the others had finally settled on a full-proof plan. They deduced that the button to destroy the world was located inside Code’s Headquarters and that all the guards take a lunch break from 1:30 to 2:00, thus making for the perfect time to break in. They were to execute their plan tomorrow which happened to be on Ishiki’s birthday. “Happy early birthday!” Everyone screamed out. They celebrated for hours on end. “Bite, bite, bite, bite!” Everyone shouted at Ishiki. Everyone knows that getting your face planted into the cake by your best friends is a must at parties. “We’ll count you down,” said Jigen excitedly. “3 . . . 2 . . . 1.” BOOM!

And just like that, the world had come to an end. Mei’s gut feeling was right. Code lied about the explosion timing to throw Ishiki off and it surprisingly worked. Moments before the explosion though, Code did have some final regrets. Code regretted not being able to create the perfect world, he regretted not being able to be perfect himself, he regretted having wasted so many years for nothing, but most of all, he regretted having to kill his only true equal, the only person in the world who brought him a sense of joy and competitiveness, his blood brother, Ishiki. But in the end, Code achieved his final goal. However, in a way, Ishiki kind of reached his goal too. He managed to create a place where intelligence, high IQ, brainpower, and understanding were not needed for humans to survive, quite literally, as they were all dead, floating through the vastness of space.

The author's comments:

I am 16 years old, and this piece was written because I had to for an English project.

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