Minute Man | Teen Ink

Minute Man

October 19, 2021
By eb0326891 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
eb0326891 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

   This story takes place into a far future and a society that is far more advanced and smarter. A crazy what if scenario would be what if all the oxygen in the world went away or disappeared for 1 minute? If oxygen was gone for even a minute do you think you could hold your breath or survive? Well this happens to Mike and the rest of the people around him.   

       Mike is our average high school senior top of his class and a great swimmer. One day unexpectedly on his way home from school he began  to see several people pass out and small buildings start to break away slowly. It was pure chaos craziness everywhere you looked for, many people started to panic. Drivers begin to lose control vehicles and pass out. As Mike was trying to make sense of the chaos he saw many tall skinny buildings getting ready to crumble. He couldn't image all the people around him being killed so he remembered the only way he could fix this situation.

 He didn't have no time to waste, so he jumped up used his shoes as rockets and flew away to his uncle's lab.  When he gets to the lab he notices it's quiet and he sees all the equipment broken and spread out. My calls out to his uncle but gets no answer, so  he starts looking around and he then suddenly trips over something. It was his uncle 's dead body with a sheet covering it. Mike was devastated but he knew he couldn't grieve too long. As he would pull his emotions together and while holding his breast look for the machine he came for. This machine he was looking for that was built in this lab to stop time for up to 5 minutes but would not effect the user of the machine or the people he touches. After Mike finding the  machine  with 45 seconds left he puts the machine into effect. Mike hit the button at first but nothing happened so he thought nothing of it and hit it again but he was growing worrisome and thought maybe it was broken. But then he hit it one more time and bright blue lights shout out of the machine and we're aimed all around the sky. All of a sudden it was pure silence for Mike he could hear only his heartbeat. Time has stopped Mike was amazed but after the fact he quickly picked up his things and his uncle and flew out into the sky. Mike dropped his uncle off at his house and went straight to his school  by the  When he gets to the lab he notices it's quiet and he sees all the equipment broken and spread out. My calls out to his uncle but gets no answer, so  he starts looking around and he then suddenly trips over something. It was his uncle's dead body with a sheet covering it. Mike was devastated but he knew he couldn't grieve too long. As he would pull his emotions together and while holding his breast look for the machine he came for. This machine he was looking for that was built in this lab to stop time for up to 5 minutes but would not effect the user of the machine or the people he touches. After Mike finding the  machine  with 45 seconds left he puts the machine into effect. Mike hit the button at first but nothing happened so he thought nothing of it and hit it again but he was growing worrisome and thought maybe it was broken. But then he hit it one more time and bright blue lights shout out of the machine and we're aimed all around the sky. All of a sudden it was pure silence for Mike he could hear only his heartbeat. Time has stopped Mike was amazed but after the fact he quickly picked up his things and his uncle and flew out into the sky. Mike dropped his uncle off at his house and went straight to his school  by the 

time he got to the school there was only 30 seconds left of no oxygen and many students were already passed out. He knew that his friends Maddie and Matthew were also great swimmers on the swimming team so that also practiced holding her breath for long periods of time. So he knew he could use this to their advantage and use them to help him save everybody else. He zoomed through the school found Maddie and then touched her then explain the situation as well as Matthew. First Maddie and Matthew try to go help their families and get them in safe places. 

      While Mike help the other remaining people that were still conscious in the school. It was getting worse by the second the city was quickly collapsing buildings and roads were falling apart.  With 15 seconds left Mike began to feel  as if you could not hold his breath anymore. Maddie and Matthew were back by this time and seem like on the ground struggling to get up. What the last few seconds and  He tells them that he's glad he could help everyone and that he will be joining his uncle. Then everything goes back to normal oxygen in the air.

The author's comments:

Im 16 and a junior 

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