The Newspaper Thief | Teen Ink

The Newspaper Thief

October 21, 2021
By Anonymous

“Another boring day in Millerville,” Officer Adams said, as reaches for the last glazed donut from the box on his desk.

“Indeed it is Adams,” Chief Mathews responds, while he reclines back into his desk chair to place his feet on his desk. 

Wiping the crumbs off his belly that hangs over his police belt, Adam says, “I wish I was a city cop, nothing interesting happens here.”

“Think of that as a good thing,” Chief says, while stroking his full caterpillar-like mustache above his lips.

The silence was interrupted by the intense sound of the secretary’s heels clicking against the tile floor becoming louder and louder until she burst through the door. She rushed in holding a stack of papers, case files from a certain newspaper bandit dating years back.

“They’ve struck again,” Secretary Madison said, as she smacked the files on Chief’s desk.

Chief sprang up from his old ripped brown leather reclining desk chair, “Where?”

While still chewing his donut, Officer Adams mumbled, “Would you look at that?”

The newspaper bandit is a known thief of Millerville. They’ve stolen about 20 newspapers from driveways, particularly from elderly houses. Chief Matthews has been working on this case for 10 years and hasn’t been able to catch a lead or a suspect.

Out of breath, Madison managed to say, “Greg Easter on Applewood Drive just called it in.”

Officer Adam got up from his desk, adjusted his belt, and put on his hat, “I’ll head right over for questioning.”

Chief Matthews quickly cleared his desk and began opening files to refresh his memory of this thief that has prevailed in Millerville for a century. All the officers know about the newspaper bandit is that they specifically target elderly people who live alone, they must stalk the houses before they steal their newspaper. 

“There’s got to be another connection between these victims besides their age,” Chief says while stroking his mustache once again.

Twisting her long brunette hair, Madison says “He strikes all over the city, he’s not targeting an area, so it has to be the victims.”

Madison mostly just organizes files and gets the office donuts but she often is smarter than the officers and the chief himself. 

“My thoughts exactly,” Chief responds while pinning up the pictures of the 20 elderly victims on the dusty corkboard.

Officer Adams returns with his notebook in hand and a disappointed look on his face. “Nothing new on this one.”


After multiple cups of coffee, it's 3 am and the case didn’t move an inch.

“We have to catch them this time, it’s gone on long enough.” Chief slammed his fist on the table. “Adams got the surveillance van ready. We are gonna stake Greg’s house. Madison you’re coming too.”

Madison smiled, “Yes sir,” she responded while trying to hide excitement for her first stakeout. 

Sunlight shined into the van parked against a curb on Applewood Drive in front of Greg Easter’s house. The three of them were fast asleep until the loud sound of a truck woke up Chief Matthews. He woke up startled and rubbed his eyes to get a clear look at the van. The van pulled into Greg Easter’s driveway.

Chief squinted his eyes and read out loud “Assisted Living Home Care”.

Officer Adams groaned and mumbled, “What chief?” while rolling over in his chair. 

“Assisted Living Home Care,” Chief repeated while smiling. He rushed over to Madison and shook her awake and then went over to Matthews to do the same. He watched out the van window as a man in a polo and hat got out of the truck and walked into Greg’s house with a bag. 

Suspicious of this man, Chief ordered Madison to look up Assisted Living Home Care nurses to get information on this man. Madison fixed her hair as she got up to search on the computer.

“They don’t release nurses’ names on their website but they have a Facebook. Give me a second to look thro- oh my god” Madison said as she gasped. “It’s Mrs. Betty, the victim of the newspaper bandit before Gerg, she was voted best patient of the month.” 

Adams and Chief quickly came over to look over Madison’s shoulder onto the computer. “Scroll down more”. Madison scrolled through Assisted Living Facebook page to find another patient of the month post to find it was another victim of the newspaper bandit, the one before Mrs. Betty.

“That’s it” Chief exclaimed “That’s the connection, they all are patients of Assisted Living Home Care.”

“Then that must mean”, they all turned their heads to look out the window at the truck, “it’s him”.

“Let’s get this thief,” Chief said as he got out of the van.

“Wait, “ Madison said, “ He only steals from one patient once, we don't have enough evidence to book him yet”.

Chief knew Madison was right but the desperation to get this thief grew as he watched him walk back into his truck with a happy smile. After a few moments, Chief got back into the van grumbling, “Fine, you’re right”.

“Does this mean we have to wait another month?” Adam asked, raising his eyebrows.

“It sure does” Chief responded in annoyance. 

Once they returned to the station, Chief stayed at his desk while Madison and Adams went home after a long night. He thought, What if he doesn’t stick to his pattern? Did he notice the stakeout van? The Newspaper Thief started to disappear from his thoughts as he had other small unnecessary cases to keep him busy. 

Chief and Adams were sitting at their desk talking when they heard the loud, fast paced clicking of Madison’s heels. Both of their eyes opened wide as the last time they heard that noise was because of The Newspaper Thief. Madison rushed in and said, “Assisted Living just posted their new patient of the month, Margot Thomas”. 

“It's time. Madison found Margot’s address and met us in the stakeout van as soon as possible” Chief ordered out while putting on his holster and jacket. 

Parked in front of Margot’s house, they eagerly waited for the truck to come down the door and kept an eye on the newspaper that lay on her driveway. Soon enough the truck came around the corner and pulled into her driveway. He got out of the truck and entered the house with the same polo, hat, and bag. All three of them did not take their eyes off the front door until he came out with a big smile on his face. He walked onto the driveway keeping his eyes set on the newspaper laying on the ground. He looked left and right and quickly bent down and grabbed the newspaper and stuffed it into his bag.

“HA”, exclaimed Chief and he jumped out of the van towards the man.

Adams followed close behind as they approached the man. The man was in complete shock and dropped his bag from his shoulder and put up his hands. 

“Finally”, Madison whispered to herself as Chief and Adams held the arms of the man in handcuffs.

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