The Siren's Charmed Melodies | Teen Ink

The Siren's Charmed Melodies

October 29, 2021
By moralesang BRONZE, Winsted, Connecticut
moralesang BRONZE, Winsted, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Rough waters crash against the boat. Never have he wished so much for land, to feel the sweet earthy colored soils of home. On this ocean fury bubbled inside. Its gale shouts under the black and grave mists. Yet, the boat sails over these watery clench hands. Its fashioned ancient oak now worn. Its once pristine sails now slate gray and tattered. The salt chuck clobbers harder against the ship, fully intent on causing enough bruising for the sailer to recall her displeasure, enough for him to begin a sweet melody of distress.

The captain clutches tighty on to the helm, his hands turning white. Sweat trickled down his face as he navigated the waters. His boat hurled and threw in the rising swell as he held tighter on the tiller with his bare fingers. He could simply make out the figure of his wife standing on the shingled ocean side, lamp raised up high to direct him home. Then, she vanished in a blink of an eye, as the shrouded sky scratched out the light of the moon.

The downpour cover cruised by, spitting at him with its undead tears. It wrung his hobbit curls into a mop and drenched his shirt through. His facial hair rime froze as the north wind blew. Slashing rain stung his exposed arms like ice burn and the ocean pulsated dark with burden.

The boat weaved like a cork upon the capacious ocean and for the first time, he felt his own mortality. The waters murmured and sissed, lashing his face. His little boat fell and shifted. The lumber boards clasped and swell, then, screaked and shivered.

The clamor of the ocean caused a hectic in his blood, yet he could swear that he can hear a captivating tune. So sweet, so eerily supernatural. Then he saw it, an enchanting creature’s, unearthly face laid on the rocky shore singing just west of him. It wore a veil of scorn and yearning and it mesmerized Jack absolutely. The alluring creature's eyes appeared to frown at the ocean on his starboard side. Jack's own eyes followed and gradually widened as he looked down into a whirlpool opening and turning underneath the boat.

Jack's two hands grasped the tiller and wouldn't give up. He turned the wheel towards the creature. Straight into the rocks. He grasped on tighter. An uneven wave ascended before him, rubbing out the sky. The euphonious breeze wailed out his destruction, the creature's face scoffed down in win.

The boat rose with the swell, slanting upwards to its demise. Time seemed to stop as the ship crashed into the rocky shore. Splinters of wood fly into the air, as Jack’s body flung to the rocks. He closed his eyes as the pain shot up his body.

Before he knew it, there creature laid next to him. Her high, clear singing voice, so full of emotion. Her long hair and scaly tail darkly colored. Her eyes and skin ghostly pale. Absolutely captivating. She pulled him into her arms. Bringing up her webbed hand and wiped the wet curls out of his face. He reached up, putting his bruised hand on hers. Feeling so utterly safe within her arms. Something he tremendously desired.

The melody now a mix of her voice and various instruments. Lyres, flutes, and pipes. Something that resembled a lullabye. All so utterly captivating and somniferous. She held him tighter, as his eyes slowly close. Making Jack drift off into a sweet land of security in his mind.

Jack’s wife’s words suddenly consumed him. “Jack… Jack wake up, you are not safe. Please Jack don’t trust the horrid creature of the sea. She has cursed you. Her charmed melodies have cursed you!”
He woke up to an extraordinary pain in his legs. The creature's webbed hand, presently hone to hooks, delving in the tissue of his thighs. Holding him down. Pulling his feeble body farther into the water. Jack slashed and struggled against her grasp, frantically attempting to get away. Doing anything in his power. Grabbing the wet, razor-sharp rocks, slashing his hands. Kicking the tailed creature. Frantically, anything. Anything to get away. To get to his wife, his family. He couldn’t. He couldn’t do it, he was far to weak. His body burned and hissed at his exertion. Hopelessly, telling him to stop.

Jack took one last look back at his killer. Her once pale eyes now grew black. Her pale skin turning grey. The creature did not sing the sweet melodies anymore. For now, she let out shouts so uproarious they stun him. Her mouth filled with razor sharp teeth, plunged into Jack’s neck, ripping his flesh.
One last thought grazed in Jack’s mind. Of how absurd of him to fall into want. Of how easy it was to fall the siren’s charmed melodies.

The author's comments:

The captain clutches tighty on to the helm, his hands turning white. Sweat trickled down his face as he navigated the waters. He could just make out the figure of his wife standing on the shingled ocean side. Then, she vanished in a blink of an eye, as the shrouded sky scratched out the light of the moon. Jack's little boat weaved like a cork upon the capacious ocean and for the first time, he felt his own mortality.

The waters murmured and sissed, lashing his face. An enchanting creature's, unearthly face laid on the rocky shore singing just west of him. It wore a veil of scorn and yearning and it mesmerized Jack absolutely.

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