To whip the pinata! | Teen Ink

To whip the pinata!

April 21, 2022
By Lavia_Ibrahim2007 BRONZE, Leeds, Other
Lavia_Ibrahim2007 BRONZE, Leeds, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I feel like I'm going to fall in a deep dark hole. I can see nothing everywhere! I can hear crowds of people shouting and
yelling my name. I feel like a celebrity! I can feel a really hard object
that seems to be so familiar to me. I am standing in a warm, hot place.
I can smell delicious cupcakes at the food tables full of other delicious
treats. Yum! I thrust my arms so hard that it nearly blew the sails out
of me. Bang! I can hear sudden cheers of the crowds, once I
unblindfolded myself, I am proud. Now I see everything of what
happened to me. I am at my friend’s birthday party and I was selected
to whip the pinata. It is kind of fun actually! I am pleased of myself.

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