The Night | Teen Ink

The Night

May 27, 2009
By Reydel GOLD, Winchester, Idaho
Reydel GOLD, Winchester, Idaho
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stop Dreamming and Start Thinking<br /> -tuocstnelat

It was a dark stormy night. the waves were crashing up against the light house shore, in our little town Agustice. It was storm season and all the min in the town were out boatting for the last catch for the season.None of the ships yet peaked the herizon, and the storm was getting worse. My family and I lived in a little shack near the light house about 1/4 of a mile in the woods and it was my job to stay at the light house tonight. It would have bin momas but she was very sick, and I loved staying at the light house. Even though it was a bit far from home I loved to look out at home and watch my brother and sister play in the window. it was 5 min from before dark when i left for the light house when something grabed me and.....

The author's comments:
Note: this is just a preview of my story if you would like to hear more/ the first chapter email me and let me know. It gets really freaky and has a weird twist at the end.


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