Naju's House on the Railroad Track | Teen Ink

Naju's House on the Railroad Track

August 11, 2023
By RanSarPuffin BRONZE, Fremont, California
RanSarPuffin BRONZE, Fremont, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was eating my lunch peacefully when I heard my phone ring. I saw that Naju was calling me. I picked up the phone.

“Come to my house. You’ll see trains all da time!” Naju said to me.

“Oh. You live next to a rail yard. Okay. I’ll come.”

I finished the last of my lunch quickly and got dressed as fast as I could. After that, I got into my minivan and drove to Naju’s house. When I got there, I noticed something peculiar. I saw a two-story house with railway tracks ending on either side. To the left of the house, I saw a perfectly straight and flat railway track. Naju invited me inside and I found his brother Saja and his two friends Liu Banga and Mos Maccara respectively. They were all staring out the window. Seeing me, they turned around and greeted me. 

Just then, I heard a train horn getting louder and louder. I feared that a train was about to run into the house. Seeing my scared face, Naju said, “The trains will go above the house. Just watch.” I watched out the window facing the train headlight. I saw the train headlight getting brighter and brighter as the train raced toward the house at breakneck speed. Just before the train collided with the wall, the train started going up and above the house. Through a window on the other side of the living room, I saw the engine come back down, land perfectly aligned on the track, and continue on its way with all of the freight cars following behind.

“Won’t the freight in the freight cars spill out?” I asked Naju.

“No. Not a single gram of freight is lost when trains go above my house.”

While I was absorbed in the thought of living directly in the middle of a railroad track, Liu Banga decided to hunt for random bird eggs because he was hungry. Liu Banga walked out the house and the others including me followed. Liu Banga found a short tree right next to the house. He climbed the tree and found a nest with three blue eggs. Liu Banga gathered all of the eggs and jumped down. Luckily, the eggs did not break. Liu Banga ran back inside while drooling and placed the eggs on the kitchen counter. He then ran back outside and walked across the street to hunt for more eggs. 

While Liu Banga was hunting for eggs, I noticed a train that was traveling on the flat track next to the house dump blue powder on the house. I immediately informed Naju about the incident. Naju did not break a sweat. He went to the backyard and connected a water hose to a faucet. Naju then went to the area where the blue powder was dumped and sprayed it in water. The blue powder washed away like washable chalk. Naju then explained to me that trains frequently dump powder on his house on accident. It was evening,  I said bye to Naju and left for my house.

After a week, I decided to visit Naju again. I drove to his house. When I got there, Naju welcomed me with open arms. When I got inside, I found boxes all over the living room. I went upstairs and found more boxes all over the place. I came back downstairs and asked Naju why he was moving. 

Just then, Mos Maccara, Naju’s Dad, chimed in and said, “I’m tired of living here! We’re moving!”

“Why are you tired of living here?” I asked Mos Maccara.

“I can’t see a lot of trains.”

“Alright. I’ll help you pack up.”

I started packing as many items as I could into boxes. Naju disassembled the bed and stacked the individual planks in one corner. Liu Banga disassembled the cabinets I emptied and gathered them into the living room. After everything was packed up, Naju, Saja, and I loaded everything into a U-Haul semi-truck Naju’s SUV and I got into my minivan. Mos Maccara started guiding Naju and Naju started driving. Saja and Liu Banga followed Naju and I followed Saja and Liu Banga.

The first stop was The Home Depot. I immediately knew that they were going to build a new house in the middle of another railroad track. After thirty minutes, Naju and Mos Maccara bought the entire store’s worth of hardware and loaded it into the already crammed semi-truck. After that, Naju and Mos Maccara drove to the new location and everybody else followed.

After an hour, all of us reached the new location. There were two tracks right next to each other just like the old location. This time, trains were crossing the location more frequently. This is exactly what Mos Maccara wanted. All of us unloaded the hardware bought at The Home Depot and laid it on the ground. This is when construction of the new house had begun. Naju mixed one half of the concrete and spread it in the shape of the living room of the house over one track. He then added more layers of concrete to cover the railroad track completely. After that, he let the concrete dry.

After the concrete dried up, Mos Maccara, Liu Banga, and Saja were putting together the lumber of the first half of the house while Naju and I laid the foundation for the second half of the house. While the concrete was drying, Naju and I helped assemble the first half of the house. After thirty minutes, the foundation of the second half of the house dried up. Naju and I started assembling the second half of the house. While construction was happening, a train was hurtling down a track towards the second half of the house. As usual, the train went above and back over the house.

After a quick eight hours, the house was complete. The new house was twice the size of the old house. Liu Banga unloaded the rest of the items and started decorating the inside of the house. After a lightning fast thirty minutes, the house was fully decorated. When all of us went inside, it was like a mansion. Mos Maccara was certainly impressed by the new house.

“Finally. I get to see trains all the time!” Mos Maccara said.

It was nighttime, and I had to go back home. I said bye to Naju, Saja, Mos Maccara, and Liu Banga and went home.

  The alarm clock rang. It was 6:30 in the morning. I sleepily rubbed my eyes as I shifted from my dream to the real world. “What a dream. Should definitely write this down!” I muttered to myself as I reached for my diary next to my bed.

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