The chosen one | Teen Ink

The chosen one

September 7, 2023
By jp0396948 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
jp0396948 BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You could hear the voice echoing from all over the world.Even if you were inside or outside you could still hear the voice. It's like it was playing inside everyone's heads all at once. It didn't matter where ever you were in the world, you could hear the voice all the same.

       “ We are here to test you humans to see how capable they are to work with others not of this world, If you fail every single human in this world is gonna be disintegrated.” 

But no one could have predicted what happened next.


A couple hours before

George woke up to his alarm. Er er er er er. He turned around to turn off his alarm. He didn’t want to wake up even though he slept early. George went to sleep around 9. He had to be at work at 9 so he set his alarm one and a half hour before. George just stayed in bed and stared at his roof for a minute then he got up. He took a nice relaxed shower. Since he set his alarm 1 ½ hour before he could take his time doing what he needed to do. George took a 20 minute shower. He ate some cereal and watched youtube. George also had an alarm 20 minutes before he had to be at work, because his work was around 5 minutes away depending on traffic. 

ERRR ERRR ERRR ERRR.Once the alarm rang George grabbed his keys. He went outside his house and locked it. CLICK.Then he proceeded to walk to his car and drive off. George was never late to his work and he didn’t want today to be his first. He was currently on a 4 month streak of being on time and not missing work.George stopped at a stoplight and then all of a sudden he heard a voice.

“We are here to test you humans….”the voice murmured 

George thought that it was his music that was saying that so he checked,but no his music was still playing normaly. George was so confused, because it sounded like the person was talking right next to him.

“ If you fail every single human in this world is gonna be disintegrated,” the voice said.

George, being confused, looked around at other cars next to him to see if they were reacting to what the voice was saying. George turned and then he saw other people looking around wondering what was going on. George was relieved that he wasn’t the only one that could hear the voice, but at the same time he felt a little weird cause everyone heard it at the same time at the same volume. George was still at a stoplight at this point so he didn’t really pay attention to the voice at the time.

George blinked and then boom. He somehow got teleported somewhere. He looked around all perplexed. He heard a voice echoing through the place he was at

  “You were chosen to represent the human race.” Echoed the voice .

“Who the hell are you and how did I get here?” George yelled out

George was walking around the place trying to figure out where he was. Then a door opened and he saw an unhuman-like living creature standing at least 9 feet tall if not more.

George couldn’t see his face; he could just see the outline of the creature. Then he stepped forward.

“I know you are probably wondering where you are and who I am but it is Irrelevant. What matters is that you're the chosen one to represent the humans.” The creature explained

George thought this was some sick joke or something by one of his friends so he kinda laughed it off, so he thought that the creature was gonna turn out to be a human in disguise but the creature just stood there pale like emotionless staring at George. George felt apocryphal of the situation. Then George came to the conclusion that he was talking to an alien. George showed no fear on the outside but on the outside George was terrified.The alien walked right in front of George's face

“Incredible, such a small type of species.” The alien said.

Then all the sudden George woke up from his dream.

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