Bad Folktales | Teen Ink

Bad Folktales

October 25, 2023
By Anonymous

Santa Claus - I don’t like Santa Claus. He is disrespectful and he has a bad attitude. He hires circus-dressed gnomes to spy on me during the day and watches me through my window when I am sleeping. Every year, on the night of December 24th, he breaks into my house, eats my cookies and drinks all my milk, leaving crumbs and spills on the floor. Then he makes loud noises to traumatize my cat, and plants suspicious items in front of my fireplace. Santa is a felon who should be shown by the police through means of force that his actions are not acceptable. 
The Tooth Fairy - I simply do not understand what excites people about the Tooth Fairy. She is a con woman who poisons the minds of children by tricking them into believing that she is some sort of fantastical creature who will bring them gifts and happiness in exchange for their teeth. She must be brought to justice so that the children of our society can stop being brainwashed.
The Leprechaun - Leprechauns are the most vile, devious, scheming fiends on this planet. On my 7th birthday, my dad gave me a gold coin and told me that it was very valuable, and the longer I had it the more worth it would get and I would become very rich. But the following day, a leprechaun stole it from me and made me cry. I tried to find the leprechaun so I could get my gold coin back, but the thief had completely vanished after taking my birthday present. 

The author's comments:

My inspiration for this piece was that I wanted to create a satire by making folktale characters that everyone likes seem like unlikeable people it is not my personal feelings toward these characters it is all a joke

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