Jealousy | Teen Ink


April 30, 2024
By Anonymous

Jealousy has always wanted to be someone he isn’t. He isn’t the guy that gets all the girls. He isn’t the guy that gets invited to all the parties. He isn’t the guy that passes with flying colors. So what does he do? He wears a mask. He pretends to be like all of those guys. This mask he wears does its best to talk its way through every situation but never does. He knows he’ll never be like them. Instead of working on and improving himself, he tries his best to fit in and get by in life. 

Trying to be someone he isn’t gets jealousy into quite a bit of trouble. In social situations, he is a fish out of water. In class, he can’t buy the right answer. On the field, he couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn with the ball if his life depended on it. Ironically, his mask has made him worse as a person in every possible aspect.

Jealousy used to go to the gym to workout and get stronger but that's not the case anymore. Now he goes to the gym to seek a sense of validation. 

Just walking in the gym he starts comparing himself with the other people to give himself a sense of superiority. He started a gym based TikTok account to gain a following. Of course, this account wasn’t created to help others with their own gym progress but to gain popularity to show off to his classmates. He values himself based on the amount of followers he has. 

The few friends that Jealousy has aren’t quite the best and most positive people to hang out with. Jealousy spends much of his time with Anger and Sadness. Their negative energy only makes his mental and emotional health continue to deteriorate. As a result, his jealousy starts to spread through him like a wildfire. 

In society, Jealousy is a bird without a nest. He sees the other people having fun at parties and wishes he was invited, but he never is. He has deep insecurities that will never be filled if he is always longing to be less like his own self. In truth, his mask only hurts him. Jealousy will never learn that it’s best to work on and truly improve yourself instead of trying to be someone you’re not. 

In the end, Jealousy has become his own fatal flaw in life.  

The author's comments:

If Jealousy was a Person

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