If My Dog Could Talk | Teen Ink

If My Dog Could Talk

June 7, 2024
By maura04 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
maura04 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If my puppy, Scout, could talk he would be the best friend ever. Scout is so crazy, always running around and knocking over furniture. I’m sure that in those moments he would be screaming and giggling like a toddler. He would always be muttering about how he had to kill that dangerous shadow, or how he is so comfy in a nice fluffy comforter, or how he wants belly rubs. His whole goal in life is just birds and cuddles. I am going to be so devastated when I have to go to college and have to leave him all alone at home. If he could talk, I’m sure he would ask my parents where I went, which is such a sad thought. If I could, I would absolutely choose to  take him to college with me. I could walk him around campus, take him to classes, and introduce him to my roommates. I’m sure everyone would love him, although Scout living in a tiny dorm room would be a disaster, constantly crashing into and ripping apart any and all furniture. I’m sure he would be a campus favorite regardless, after all… how could anyone not forgive the cutest puppy ever?

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