embracing. | Teen Ink


March 8, 2011
By gemini0696 SILVER, Bpt, Connecticut
gemini0696 SILVER, Bpt, Connecticut
8 articles 0 photos 1 comment

yes, im stubborn. yes, i do stupid things. yes, i regret odd things. yes, i wish my life was different. yes, ive been through things that you wouldnt guess on the surface. yes, im quiet. yes, im LOUD. yes, im insecure. yes, im complicated. yes, im a procrastinator. yes, i wish to change my ways. yes, i care about school. yes, i hate school. yes, im random. yes, i do not care what people think. yes, i have priorities. yes, i never stick to one thing. yes, i dont want to be lonely. yes, i leave holes in all my stories because im too scared to tell the real version. yes, i crave attention. yes, i wont admit half the personal things people accuse me of. yes, i want the better things in life. yes, i lie. yes, im guilty of a lot of things. yes, i have stories too. yes, i do not promote bad decisions. yes, i make poor choices. yes, i believe in monasticism. yes, i dont go to church. yes, i want my body as a secret. yes, i want to be loved. yes, i want people to stay in my life. yes, i take things too seriously. but no one is perfect and mistakes are made, which is the beauty of man-kind. although, people need to learn how to accept their mistakes and not judge others based on choices they have committed. imperfection is not a disease but a cure to learning and we all need to embrace it.

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