Girls | Teen Ink


August 4, 2011
By Sandra17 BRONZE, Columbus, Georgia
Sandra17 BRONZE, Columbus, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
when everything has lift you there is one thing that you will always have and that is love.

There are so many things that every girl wants. When we are little we wanted to be princes. We would play with our dolls and act like they were our servants and we were the princes. Now that we are teens we don’t want to play prince or with dolls. We would rather hang with friends and date. Yeah our dads may say your to young to be dating but really deep down he is asking himself were did the time go. You were little yesterday and now you are a teen.
Now that we are teens we are trying things on our own. We are dating now and we think we don’t need our parents to help us. The real truth is we still do need our parents exceptionally our dads. He is the one guy who will be there for us no madder what. We want to be away from the house and our parents. We feel like we are trapped and we can’t get out.
We are still trying to find who we are and what we like. It’s not the same as we were little. It may seem like we get in trouble more than we did when we were kids. It’s okay because we learn from our mistakes. That is the only way we can learn. We would rather stay in our rooms than come out and hang with our family. It’s not easy being a teen but we will always have our parents on our side no madder what happens.

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