unforgettable | Teen Ink


October 20, 2011
By Nikkil50 SILVER, Roselle, Illinois
Nikkil50 SILVER, Roselle, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Seeing it is believing it. That's what they all say, but is it really true? What if they lied. Cold hard lies.Right in our faces. We wouldn't be mad. We would try to forget, but never will. Forgive is the best option, so that's what we do. No one will forget though. One day or another we shall go back to that day. Even briefly, and we will realize what we are trying to do will never be achieved. Forget will never leave us. We will try as hard as we might, but if something is unforgettable, it is unforgettable. It does not matter what it is. It could be anything. Anything at all. But the unforgettable is the unforgettable. And the unforgettable will haunt us forever.


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