The Rip | Teen Ink

The Rip

February 14, 2012
By Nick Walters BRONZE, Mosca, Colorado
Nick Walters BRONZE, Mosca, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

*Nick walks into bus stop*
Tanner: Hey.
Nick: Hey.
Tanner: What’s goin’ on?
Nick: Not much.
Tanner: Where you headed?
Nick: Just downtown to pick up some groceries. You?
Tanner: I’m going to Greenich, gotta get me some money.
Nick: Why Greenich? Why don’t you just go to an ATM?
Tanner: I ain’t got an ATM card.
Nick: Oh that sucks. *farts*
Tanner: Dude, did you just rip one? It sounded like you stepped on a duck.
Nick: My bad, bro. I thought it was gonna be silent. But it is prolly gonna get pretty rank here in a minute.
Tanner: Dude, next time, hold it in your crack until you’re by yourself. But we need to get on the bus.
Nick: Bro, I said my bad, but this isn’t my bus. But it is really better to do it out here than in that bus, trust me.
Tanner: Alright, do you know when the bus gets here? Is it soon?
Nick: I think it’ll be here within the next few minutes.
Tanner: *facepalm* Jesus…
Nick: Yeah, looking back, it was probably a bad idea.
Tanner: No s***, Sherlock.
*Awkward pause*
*bus pulls up*
Nick: Well…
Tanner: Yeah….
Nick: It has been nice talking to you. I will be going now.
Tanner: Dude, this is my bus too.
Nick: Oh, well then I guess we are gonna be together for a little while longer.
*More awkward pause*

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