I am Human | Teen Ink

I am Human

February 12, 2012
By Emmy101 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
Emmy101 BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars and change the world.

What right do you have to make me feel inadequate? Who gave you permission to look at me as if I was someone who is trying to rise above her standards, someone who should be shot down immediately? You whisper to your friends, how dare I speak to you in such an insolent tone, how dare I look you in the eye! What an attempt to make me 10 inches small. Did I offend you by laughing too loudly? By smiling too quickly? You need to be close to me to see that I express myself so readily. Is it when I’m sad or angry, the times where I’m most hurt, when I let your teasing comments get to me? Do you need to believe that I’m a rock so you can become angry when I show you I’m human? Well hear this, I am human. I have feelings, as hard as that may be to believe. And I see that you are human too. Do you know that I’m just like you? I’m good at hurting with words, better even. I can draw blood with words. I know the pressure points, how to hit where it hurts. I beat you to the ground with words. And once you’re down I can kick you with a secret. I can disgrace you with a turn of your own words. But I wouldn’t dare. Do you want to know why I wouldn’t? I refuse to stoop down to the level of a petty child such as you.

The author's comments:
A person had always thought it was okay to treat me badly thinking nothing of it, and this is what I had to say in return.


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