Come Home | Teen Ink

Come Home

February 3, 2008
By Anonymous

She felt her heart thumping in her chest and took a step back. What if this wasn't the right thing to do? What if she was wrong? What is she got hurt? Jenna shook her head, swinging her braid onto her shoulder. A shoulder that held proof that she was making the right choice. Jenna walked closer to the door and rang the bell. A woman answered and asked her what she wanted. " Please ma'am, I need to tell you something. Something someone should have already told you." Jenna took a deep breath and took a step forward. " I am jenna steward and I am your grand-daughter. My father just died and Iv'e been living on the streets. I need a place to stay and was hoping you might help me with that." Jenna shuddered as she came to an end and awaited her only hope's decision. The woman looked at her with peircing blue eyes, filled with suspition, intrigue, and... was that compassion. "Come in and let's talk a bit." Jenna walked through the door that day to her knew life. She no longer worried about where she would sleep or get her food. She no longer worried about the cuts running up and down her arm. She no longer worried that she was not loved. Her life filled with kindness and compassion and jenna herself was prepared for the day she would leave, because this time she left knowing she had a place to come back.

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