One regret | Teen Ink

One regret

July 2, 2012
By mlynne14 SILVER, Toledo, Ohio
mlynne14 SILVER, Toledo, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was once a chance that I didn't take, and I recall that one decision everyday of existence. I think daily as to how my life would have turned out if I had taken that once in a lifetime chance. I imagine my life would have been changed for the better, but then I fear that my life might have taken a turn in a horrible direction. Now I constantly over think everything I do, asking numerous and meaningless questions. How many steps in a lifetime? How many breaths do I take? How many wrong or right decisions have I made in my existence? There was once a chance that I didn't take. That chance was living my life the way I want, following everyone else to be “cool”. Throughout my existence I have made many bad decisions, stupid decisions, and meaningless decisions, but I regret none of them. Except that one chance I didn't take.

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