Water Adventure | Teen Ink

Water Adventure

December 14, 2012
By MonkeyBanana BRONZE, Garland, Texas
MonkeyBanana BRONZE, Garland, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Water is a scared drop of water, he always swim freely in the lake but one day water swam to close to a water pipe and got sucked in. Water at first thought this was a fun place with lots of rides like The Whirlpool Toilet or the Drop to Shower Bottom, then water saw the humans drink some water off the sink and he was heading there soon so he tried to slow himself down before he got there.
He thought his new fate would be getting drunk by the human and when he lost hope he saw the female human washing the car with a hose and the passage to the hose was between him and then sink, he then rushed to the passage and before he knew it he landed on the car and dropped down to the concrete.
Water saw a sewer pipe and knew it will take him back to the lake since he listened to wild stories told by the older water molecules about sewer pipes. Water rushed as fast he can into the sewer pipe but he didn’t know the other water molecules followed him.
When they got back to the lake water came back as a savior for helping out the other molecules and after that water still stayed away from the pipes and told his stories to the younger water molecules about his stories in a water pipe in the house.

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