The Real Me- Through an analysis of Homer H. Hickam's "Rocket Boys" | Teen Ink

The Real Me- Through an analysis of Homer H. Hickam's "Rocket Boys"

March 6, 2013
By bschumacker BRONZE, Rocky River, Ohio
bschumacker BRONZE, Rocky River, Ohio
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In his novel Rocket Boys, Homer H. Hickam Jr. tells his inspiring childhood story. His story takes place in the late 1950’s when Russia launched into space Sputnik, the first satellite. Boys around America, like Homer, were immediately motivated to, on their own, build flying rockets. Determined to prove himself to his dad, Homer and his friends use intricate formulas and techniques to build a successful rocket. They soon show the country that a small town, like Coalwood, is capable of producing more than just coal. Rather than being a coalminer, like his father, Homer finds his true self as a rocket scientist. Who you are now is probably different from who you really are. Like Homer, I can evaluate who I really am through a study of characters, a comparison of myself to those characters, and finally an analysis of myself.

Characters in text help us understand why people are conflicted. Regular events, big or small, conflict us every day. Characters in text help us understand more about their conflict and what they do to get past it, and get closer to their true self. By saying, “Show [Dad] you can do something! Build a rocket!” his mom provokes Homer’s decision to resolve his relationship with his dad and discover the science of rocket building, his true passion. Homer went from someone who was thought of as just a “be-er”, someone who just lives and does normal tasks, to someone who excels over the status quo and becomes a leader, a “do-er”. Homer can now see himself as a “somebody” rather than a “nobody”.. The character José, in Born Worker, also finds his true self through conflict as a “do-er”. Although his cousin narrow-mindedly worries about himself , when an old man falls and needs help, José tenaciously stayed to help this man and realized “he was more than just a good worker, he was a good man.” Homer and José find their true selves through conflict and help us understand why people are conflicted.

Have you ever found a character that is similar to you? Homer in Rocket Boys is very similar to me. Homer grew up in a small town with an older brother who is very similar to my brother. Homer’s brother is a popular sports-type jock that usually just keeps to himself unless they are fighting. Homer says, “From the first day I could remember being alive, he and I had brawled.” The same is true with my brother, once in awhile my brother and I get along, but most of the time it is the ladder. I am definitely more like Homer in the sense that I am not as popular and worry more about things other than sports. Once Homer found his passion in rocket science he stayed determined and always tried his best, I am similar. Although my passion is not in rocket science, it is in the performing arts. When I found theater and singing I automatically loved it and I stay determined and busy with the hobby ever since, at 7 years old, I found my true self in it. Like Homer dreams to be a rocket scientist, I aspire to be on Broadway. I found later that Homer did become a rocket scientist because he stuck to it, so I determined that if I stick to working hard in theater, I can attain my dream too. Because Homer and I both found our true selves in peculiar hobbies, we are very similar.

Who you are is not who you really are until you find your true passion or purpose in life. Are you enjoying every moment in life? Are you living with a goal in mind, knowing that when you reach that goal you will be happy? I realized that there are some aspects in life I could enjoy more, so I have not found my whole true self in life. I do have a goal in mind I believe will make me happy. I aspire to be on Broadway and once I reach that goal, I feel that everything will fall into place. A wise man, Deepak Chopra, once said “I move through my days light-hearted and carefree, knowing all is well.” Most people worry about the little things in life and don’t focus on their main goal. Once you find your true self you will realize that you live life more carefree and you show love and giving towards everyone. At my point in life, I have not reached my goal so I have not found my whole true self. Today, I still strive to find and work on my goal and aspire for that happy state in life when I make it to Broadway. Homer found his true self in rocket science, and reached his goal by growing up to be just that. Like him, I discovered my true self in theater, and I can reach my goal by performing for a living. So, by analysis of my self, I found that by reaching my goal of making it to Broadway, I can establish a life of unity, freedom, generosity, and happiness, my true self.

Through a study of characters, a comparison of myself to those characters, and an analysis of myself, I was able to determine that the real me will show when I reach my true goal in life. By finding my true passion in life, theater, and applying it to daily life, I can reach my true self. The world would be a better place if everyone could find their true self because, like Deepak Chopra said, they will “reach a state of carefree living” and not worry about the little things in life. The world could also be better if everyone found, deep inside, their true lovingness and givingness toward everyone. By working towards giving and loving, finding your passion and goal in life, and working towards that goal, you can find your true self.

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School essay.

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