How to lose a guy in just 4 ways | Teen Ink

How to lose a guy in just 4 ways

March 11, 2013
By haley stueber BRONZE, Vernon Hills, Illinois
haley stueber BRONZE, Vernon Hills, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Alright ladies we all know how it is when you have that guy that just won’t GO AWAY they don’t get the hint well I’m here to tell you that if there’s a will there’s a way, just 4 way’s to be exact! When you’re in high school especially a girl in high school you tend to have that one guy that just doesn’t get it and I had one when I was a sophomore, I won’t say his name to keep from embarrassment well- on his part. I had to figure out a way to get him to leave me alone . In but a nice way, but in a way I could have some fun with! So here is my advice on how to lose a guy in just 4 ways- have fun!
Way # 1: GET CLINGY!!!!!!!!
A guy can’t stand when a girl won’t leave him alone, call him nonstop act like you are basically married no matter how much you want to hurt him or yell at him you have to act like you love him so much to the point where you make him wish he was never born! Even though you can’t stand the sight of him you have to act like he is EVERYTHING to you, When I say get clingy I mean it kiss him all the time and if he doesn’t hold your hand throw a fit!!!

Way # 2:
Act like one of the guys, burp, fart, eat like a pig and never dress nice. Show him that you’re not that “girly girl” and sure yea some guys don’t like a girly girl but you have to be the ULTIMATE tomboy to the point where he is completely and utterly disgusted with you! Try something like this…

Boy: hi honey!

Girl: what do you want?

Boy: I miss you!!

Girl: *burps*
See? Act like a guy- is basically what I’m saying a guy doesn’t want to date his friends so THAT’S what you need to act like. A guy wants to know that his girl can be sexy but if you’re the anti-sexy- that’s going to be a problem for him. Face it- you won’t have to worry about his weird friends wanting you.
Way # 3:
This I have to say is my personal favorite thing to do when trying to lose a guy (“Does this make me look fat?”) This is one of those questions that there is NO right answer to. If he says no I mean OF COURSE he will- but saying no to your girlfriend automatically say’s to her that you are LYING!!!!!!!! No smart guy is going to say yes but if they do say yes they are in for a WORLD OF TROUBLE! This question puts men in such an awkward position there is no getting around it they HAVE to answer (Tip: ladies keep a straight face when asking this question you want him to think that you are not fazed by this) And girls it is YOUR choice on how you choose to react to either answer but in my personal experience it’s better to just cry… men can’t handle a crying girl. But if it only makes them more clingy…We must resort to B…GET MAD!!!
Way # 4:
Texting him a novel!!!!!!! By this I mean…..
Text from Britney<3: Blah blah blah I love you blah blah blah
Why won’t you answer me ???????? Do you still love me??
Are we still dating? BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!
Are you there? Do you hate me?
Am I not pretty enough??
… just kidding cutie you know how much I love you <3
Okkkk well *kisses* talk to you later love you!!:)

Guys HATE this! Texting a paragraph to someone is one thing but if you acting like this he will never respond!! Which is what you want- all your texts to him should be like this! Make him so annoyed that he won’t like you anymore. You’re basically tricking him into not liking you even if you don’t actually act like this you need to channel your inner diva! Common ladies we all have that girl in us it just takes the right (wrong) guy to get it out.

So in the end he should hate you and never want to talk to you again… that is what you wanted right? If not –sorry not even I can undo what YOU did! This was just my advice to you… and it worked! Didn’t it?! If yes, I hope you’re happy with the outcome and if not, sorry girl’s one last tip try moving to Fiji.

The author's comments:
This is a quick tip guide on how to get rid of the guy that just wont leave you alone

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