That Night | Teen Ink

That Night

March 11, 2013
By theamazingpoet111 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
theamazingpoet111 BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

That Night
I never felt so frightened or feel such a rush in my life, nor do I wish to ever experience that again. The people that care about you most are the ones to keep close in your heart and never push them away. They’re worth keeping in your life . It all started from being invited to this chaotic party. All of my cool, new friends were going to go. I really wanted to go and my best friend Allison said she would come too, just to make sure I don’t get into too much trouble. She never liked these friends because she thinks they’re bad but I didn’t care . I knew that this party was going to be the most memorable night of my high school career.
“Hey Sadie! I’m glad you can make it to the party!” said Josh, the host of the party.
“Thanks Josh! I wouldn’t miss it for the world. This party looks sick!” I replied.
Allison just rolled her deep, blue eyes with her arms crossed .
We walk in the house party and the first thing Allison says is “Now Sadie just make sure you don’t do anything that you’re going to regret later. So basically don’t be stupid.”
“I know Allison. It’s just going to be like any other party.”

I find my friends at the party; everyone greeted me with high fives. There was beer pong , music blasting, and everywhere I turned there was drinking . People were dancing, laughing, and screaming and cheering. One of my friends offers me a drink. I hesitated at first but then I thought “one drink wouldn’t kill ”. My friends always talk about how fun it is and everyone does it so why don’t I? Allison was talking to some of her other friends while I was drinking. After my first cup my friends kept offering more. After a few drinks I felt so pumped, excited, and just loose. I didn’t care about the world. Time went by and I kept wondering where Allison went . My friends were ready to leave. I was too gone to even know who was sober and who wasn’t. I got in the car with my friends . Worst decision of my life. One of my friends was driving and blasting music on the radio. We were probably going 100mph. It was pitch black outside and the road looked endless. My friend driving started swerving back and forth. I could feel my stomach aching. The swerving became worse and I just wanted to puke. Then out of nowhere the car slammed into another car. I blacked out.
I could not remember how it happened. All of a sudden I find myself running towards a light. Everything else around me is black. All of a sudden it becomes farther away. It disappears then next I slowly open my eyes and I find myself in a hospital on a bed with people looking at me. I see my parents with a worried look at their face and tears running down their faces.
“Sadie! Oh thank god!” Mom said in relief.
“Sadie, what made you think that was a good idea? Do even know what your friend did driving? How would you think it was ok to ride with a drunk driver?” Dad scolded.
“Where is Allison?” I said weakly.
My parents paused
“Allison passed on.” Mom sadly said.
“Wait what happen?” I said weakly.
I couldn’t even get words out of my mouth because I was in a state of shock. I felt like I was in a nightmare.
Dad said looking down with arms folded, “Allison was the person in the other car. Your friend totaled her car.”
“She wasn’t at the party? How can this happen?” I said shakily with tears running down my face.
“You are very lucky that wasn’t you Sadie. What made you think getting into a car with a drunk driver was a good idea?” Dad shouted in anger.
“I don’t know dad. I didn’t know where Allison was. I guess she was mad at me for drinking and left.” I said while crying.
Since then I never went back to drinking. I was very sad for a long time. Sometimes I wish I died too so I can tell Allison how sorry I am. Allison was my best friend, now she’s gone. The people that care about you most are the ones to keep close in your heart and never push them away. They’re worth keeping in your life.


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