10 million useless dollar bills | Teen Ink

10 million useless dollar bills

March 15, 2013
By Kacey22 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Kacey22 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones that make people happy. I am the only one who doesn’t want them. 10 million useless dollar bills with paper thin bodies and a face to change a lifetime. 10 million that are not necessities, but are needed by everyone. 10 million good for nothing pieces printed by the government. From my house they are not important, but to the others, their life depends upon them.

Their worth is obvious. They create endless greed in the world. They are scrapped and re-created and take the peoples’ sense of mind without conscious effort and fill them with total selfishness and never stop their cycle. This is what they do.

Let one forget their reasons for being, they’d all fall like leaves in a pile, each with their eyes in contact.

Need need need, dollar bills say when i sleep. They taunt.

When one is bored and deprived and feels the need to need, it is the dollar bills they look for. When there is nothing new left in their house. 10 million who were made despite greediness. 10 million that are given and do not stop changing lives. 10 million whose only reason is to change and change.


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