Hero's | Teen Ink


May 8, 2013
By AlexR BRONZE, Conrad, Montana
AlexR BRONZE, Conrad, Montana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was like any other day I walked to the window of the 10 story apartment I was staying at for the moment. Yes, only a moment see I live in Hawaii but the last few weeks I have been stuck in this dreaded apartment in the middle of New York City. I climbed out the window and into the dark night. Standing on the cold metal plates of the fire escape I knew tonight something was different. I couldn't place my finger on it but I knew something was wrong in that huge city. Perhaps that has to do with the fact of my years of detective work in Hawaii. Man did I miss Hawaii, If only I was back where all my childhood memorize were. I remember when we use to play in the steel mill down by our houses even though our parents told us not to. The mill had been closed for years but our parents thought we could still get hurt or worse caught by the authorities. Then I heard the familiar sound of a bullet ripping through the air in the city. The city seemed big to us but I knew that somewhere this city that seemed so big to me and all the others was nothing but a grain of sand on a beach. Then of course it starts to rain. I guess this is a good thing because it momentarily snapped me out of the funk I was in. That’s when I realized I was 5 blocks down from where I thought I was. I guess I must have been Lost in thought. So I turned into the dark alley way and started to climb the ladder each step on that ladder I took I felt one step farther from my warm cozy hut. If only I could stop thinking and just get to the business at hand and that was investigating the warehouse in front of me. I sat on the rooftop across from the warehouse waiting for all the workers to leave and the lights to go out. With nothing better to do but to sit in the rain in that cold dark night, I slipped into thought. I had always been a little different than the other kids when I was younger but nothing really came of it till a little later in my life. When I was about nineteen. I went to see my uncle he was a mineral biologist. He had a government funded lab that hung over the ocean. He had an array of different minerals and metals all around his lab. He was working for the government on some project he won’t exactly tell me the details and I didn’t push for any details. Well it just so happened that, that day there was going to be a check up on his project. So when General Grey walk into the room to talk with my uncle we both got a talking to because apparently I wasn't allowed to have seen anything that was going on in that room. My uncle took him out of the room to talk to him, me being the nosy person I am snooped around a bit. That is when everything changed; I still remember the guilt to this day. I grab a piece of steel looked of no importance but it was way light then it was supposed to be. So I took it over to his microscope and looked through the lenses then I realized it didn't matter what I saw I didn't know what it was supposed to look like if it was normal so I threw it to the side. That’s when I saw a faint glow where I had just threw that seemingly unimportant piece of steel so I went back over to it. That’s when I snapped out of it for a second. The rain had lightened up a bit now but the light to the sign in front of me was still on, I would have to wait a little longer. Of course when I threw the steel it had broken some vials that were on the table behind it and being the clumsy person I am slip in the puddle that had formed by the edge of the table. Getting up covered in some chemical I continued to walk over to the glowing light of the steel. Getting to the steel I picked it up, that is when I learned what my uncle was working on. As soon as the steel touched my arm I saw a flash of light and shut my eyes only to wake up later in the cold waves of the pacific. When I made it back to the shore I went straight home not knowing what happened and not wanting to know. The next day I learned what happened my uncles lab had blown up in an accident. I knew that accident was me and my uncle and that general had both died. How could I have caused that explosion? How could I have killed my uncle and the general? I wouldn't have messed with the metal if I had only known that my carelessness would kill them. Perhaps that is what still cause’s me to feel depressed or like no matter how much good I do I will still have the blood of my uncle and that general on my hands. I would always be a murder and freak of nature. My hand would forever be filthy with the essence of my innocent uncle and general grey. Forever guilty. That is when I noticed the light on the sign go out my own feelings and thoughts would have to wait till I had completed my job. I jumped of the roof top and into the fenced area of that factory. I knew tonight something was different something was going to happen. I hope my contact was right about this place, no I wish he is wrong I don’t want to fight any one tonight. I don’t want to have more blood on my hands even if they aren't innocent. I don’t think I would stop tonight if I got in a fight. Tonight was the night that something would change.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because my teacher made us write a story for a grade. once I started it was actually pretty fun.

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