The House | Teen Ink

The House

July 31, 2013
By CewkieMonster BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
CewkieMonster BRONZE, Colorado Springs, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It sat on the end of the street, the only standing structure to be seen on the withering grounds. The dark roof sagged as the wind blew through the holes in the collapsing structure. It stood swaying in the wind, giving no mind to the weeds that swallowed the bottom of it. Nobody had been to the house, not in a very long time. It was an accident that Jamie walked by it on his way home from school. He hadn't meant to go that way, but in order to avoid Charlie, he'd gone a completely opposite way than usual. It seemed to gather clouds around it as it loomed ominously above him. It should have scared the teen aged boy, but instead only spiked his curiosity. With a sharp inhale, he gingerly tested the wood of the decaying front porch. After deciding that it probably would hold his weight, the boy took quick steps to the front door. He placed his hand flat on the rough, wooden door, feeling it buckle underneath the slight pressure he placed on it. Holding his breath, Jamie swung the door open, revealing the front room inside. It looked as if whoever had owned it long ago had just up and left. Furniture sat untouched, collecting dust and eaten out by rats and bugs. Jamie stepped into the house, coughing and waving his hand in front of his face. Biting his lip, the boy took quick steps through the living room, passing an old radio sitting on a bookshelf that he could have sworn he heard noise from, though the electricity had long since been gone from the old house. The kitchen was spotless. There were no dishes out, nothing on the counters except rat poop and bugs scuttling along the cracked and discolored wood. Jamie bit his lip as he turned all around, being careful as to not tangle his feet in the weeds that grew in cracks in the floor.
"What is this place?" He asked to himself, his heart inexplicably speeding up with fear and anticipation as he thought he saw a dark shadow move in the corner of his eye. "Um, I'm sorry." He called to the seemingly empty house. "I didn't mean to disturb any...thing that might be here." His voice hitched as a cold chill passed through him. It didn't make sense, seeing as it was the middle of May and had grown quite warm. "Just let me go, I won't come back." He stammered, quietly taking hesitant steps towards the door, which was blowing lightly in the breeze. As the boy passed over the threshold, a faint whisper followed him, just barely audible to the boy.
"Thank you."

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