The Peanut Gallery | Teen Ink

The Peanut Gallery

December 4, 2013
By ProfessorRamirez BRONZE, Lynn, Massachusetts
ProfessorRamirez BRONZE, Lynn, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What's the best answer? I don't know."

There’s a list of things I personally like to do every time a famous actor is in town to watch his, or her, own movie. First, I call the fellas, and I let them know what’s about to go down. Then I throw on my yellow t-shirt with the zig-zagged line that runs through the middle, and I head over to whatever movie theatre they’re at. I usually meet the guys in the parking lot; Linus brings the bag, and Lucy, as always, Schroeder shows up with his piano, and Violet comes late with Marcie every time. After the gang buys the tickets we enter the dark room. I swear we always miss the majority of the previews. I like watching them. Some are actually really good, and intense, but the PG ones though, not my style, mm-mm, no. Before we get our cheap seats, I locate the celebrity, and I make sure that we make eye-contact, this part is essential to the plan. We are then seated, the film begins, and we usually let everybody get comfortable. After about half an hour, Linus pulls out the bag; we all have our criticisms written on the memo-pads of our phones, and we clear our throats in unison. As always, I go first. From the worst seat in the house, all you can hear is my voice trying to harm the person who is starring in the horrible film being watched. Linus then leans over, I reach into the bag, and I whip my handful of peanuts to the back of the celebrity’s head. My voice dies down, my turn is now over. Next, I willingly give Linus the gesture to hit with a haymaker. He usually pulls through with a knockout punch, aiming straight for emotions. Schroeder gives us a nice little song. His lyrics are dreadful, and I love it. Lucille’s a mean one. You don’t even want to know what she says. Violet and Marcie, they need to work on their criticisms, they’re too nice. I swear it’s like they don’t know how to criticize, but hey, they try. For the big finale, we all just finish the bag on the celebrity, and we leave, showing the utmost disrespect. Beautiful isn’t it?

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