The Stars Never Lose Their Shine | Teen Ink

The Stars Never Lose Their Shine

April 1, 2014
By crgreenleaf BRONZE, Brattleboro, Vermont
crgreenleaf BRONZE, Brattleboro, Vermont
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Do you ever feel sorry for the stars?”
“The stars?” David turned his head from the speckled night sky, confused.
“Yeah, the stars.” Tasha continued. “They shine all day long and nobody ever notices them until the sun goes away. Don’t you think that must be awful?”
“They’re probably used to it.” David chuckled a little under his breath. Tasha could be so strange on occasion.
“Its how I feel, some days. Like nobody would notice me until I was the only person left in the room.” She sighed. “Always outshined.”
David was still listening with his head turned towards her. He locked his eyes on her cheek, waiting for her to notice. She sighed again, and suddenly felt his gaze searing into her, warm and intent.
“What?” She was curious, if not a bit perturbed. “David you look weird.”
“Its all sort of a matter of perspective.” He didn’t break his stare. “The sun is just another star, if you think about it. From billions and billions of miles away, one of those stars that you think is being outshined, is probably outshining our sun right now.” The ideas had suddenly manifested in his head, and now he was gaining momentum. “The sun and the stars are really one and the same, all suns, and it just depends on who is looking, and from where. Nobody is outshining each other. It’s impossible, Tasha!”
“You’re high as a kite.” Tasha laughed now.
“I guess I just mean that from where I stand, you’re kind of looking like the sun.” He grinned, turning back to the speckled night sky.

The author's comments:
Hi, I'm Casey! I'm a junior in Vermont. I wrote this piece for class in the hopes that it might make someone feel better and less alone.

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