The Frog Princess | Teen Ink

The Frog Princess

June 2, 2014
By solveigg15 BRONZE, Missoula, Montana
solveigg15 BRONZE, Missoula, Montana
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Your heart is just the beat box to the song of your life.

Once upon a time, there was a princess. Now this princess wasn’t what her parent had dreamed of her to be. This princess talked to animals. She talked to animals about her striking black hair and her beautiful gowns that glowed with diamonds. She talked about the tiara that she wore the day before and how she longs for a handsome prince that would carry her away into the sunset.
One day the oddest thing happened to her. After her great birthday ball for her eighteenth birthday, she left to her room. She went to her balcony to talk to her animals again, but none were there, except for a small frog. All her life she was told about other princesses that kissed frogs and they turned into magical princes ready to be married to the princess that kissed him.
The princess ran to the frog and started talking. She asked it questions about its past. She asked if it was a prince and she talked about how she would love to meet a prince that could rescue her and carry her off into the sunset.
“Well I don’t think that entirely would work, ma’am,” the frog croaked.
“You can talk? How is that possible?” The princess shrieked.
“You might not be able to tell, but I am a prince. An evil witch cursed me to always croak for forever and eternity. The spell went wrong and I was turned into a frog, instead of croaking for forever and eternity.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No need to be, you aren’t the witch. But as I was saying earlier, it wouldn’t work. To be carried off into the sunset, I mean. You’d burn if you rode into the sunset.”
“I guess that makes sense. You are a very wise frog. Well I must be off to bed. The choosing is going to be tomorrow.”
“The choosing?”
“Oh, yes. The choosing is when I get to choose the prince I will marry.”
“How many princes are there?”
“There are the two from the North, four from the east, and six from the west.”
“You forgot one.”
“And who is that.
“The one prince from the south, me.”
“But you are a frog, how are you a prince?
“I told you. A witch turned me into a frog and the spell can only be broken by a kiss from a princess.” Said the frog. He jumped closer to the princess. She leaned in slowly. The frog leaned up closer to the princess. His croaks became louder and louder as the two leaned in.
The princess’s heart began to beat faster and faster. The moment she was waiting for was slowly commencing. After this kiss she would be standing in front of the most handsome prince in the land. The closer they leaned in the more the princess’s heart raced and the more the frog croaked. The moon was the only light that could be seen and the roses were the only smells in the area. The frog pushed against the princess’s lips. The frog was sticky and slippery against the princess’s soft smooth lips.
As they parted the princess grew tired. Her eyes began to close and she longed to lie down. The frog jumped away into the swamps of the land around. That morning the princess was found ill. Her face was pale and her eyes were bloodshot. Hours after the princess was found, she died. The scientists that lived in the area around the kingdom rushed to the castle where the princess stayed. They studied her and soon found out she was killed by the sickness of salmonella, but they couldn’t find out what had been the cause.

Moral: don’t kiss frogs. You probably will get salmonella and become very sick. You could die or you could become well again, but you shouldn’t be crazy enough to kiss a frog.

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