Just A Little Crazy | Teen Ink

Just A Little Crazy

October 23, 2014
By Anonymous

Just a Little Crazy

I haven't seen John in a few months, I know Kim and Justin went and checked on him but I haven't heard from them. John’s wife died back in November,it would be crazy for him to get bounced back from it immediately, but he wanted to mourn her death  but shutting yourself in for months is not how you mourn. I don’t blame him but I’m still worried. A lot was running through my mind as I was driving to Johns mansion, me and John were best buddies before Jasmine's death, at the funeral, he asked me to leave him alone for a couple months so he could collect his thoughts in private. What happened to Kim and Justin, I know they planned to go right to the airport after checking up on him, but its not like them to leave me in the dark. The road leading up to Johns manor is made entirely of pebbles and it rocked my car back and forth, I made it up to his driveway. You would think with his kind of money he would just pave the whole thing. Weird Kim’s car is still here, maybe John drove them down to the airport to save them from paying a fortune at the car garage. Hopefully, Johns not a total wreck, the house from the outside looks dead the windows are noticeably dusty the only light that I can see is from the porch. I rang the bell and heard nothing,
“The thing must be busted again” I muttered. John never took care of his things and why should he, he has the money to easily just buy a replacement for everything he owns and that's exactly how John thought it should be. I knocked on the door… no answer, I waited five minutes and knocked again this time the door unlatched.
“Hi,” answered John.
“Hi?” I said quizzically
“HEY HOWS IT GOIN?” he sounds really happy to see me but he looks like a complete s***, he has huge bags under his eyes like he hasn't slept in weeks his clothes looks like he was rolling around in clown throw up and rainbow poop.
“Come on Come on,”
“Ok, how I-,”
“Wonderful Great REALLY well, I was visited LAST Week by Eric and Kim Its a Shame that they Had to Leave so soon.”
“That's good did you two-”
“Come in seeing what I'm working on,” he seems to be better, but he has a new quirk, John was the one to just stand in the corner and listen at a party, I would normally join him in the corner which is why we became great friends but now it seems he just wants to talk your ear off, and he keeps enunciating weirdly. As I enter the house I notice a few things kinda off, one there is  a single lit candle in the middle of the hallway, to the hallway once littered with photos and portraits is now bare, the foyer floor is covered in newspaper,
“It's a shame I really liked that carpet what happened to it?” I say with a faint echo floating through the room.
“ Oh, that I just ah spilled cranberry juice everywhere, it spilled everywhere when Eric decided to grab it out of my hand and it just spilled everywhere”
“Yes, it spilled everywhere couldn't clean it up so just decided to cover it all in the newspaper comic sections so I always have something to laugh at while in here Well, I guess he would have to do something to make this room bearable to even be here considering what happened here.
We walked into a pitch black room
“Don’t you like my creation I spent two weeks on it and the last three days perfecting it”
“I would love to give you my opinion, but it's pitch black in here turn on a light or something”
“Sorry, can't do that electricity went out last month”
“Why not just, you know, pay the bill?”
“Oh, I pissed off the mailman and he won't deliver my mail “
“How did you manage to do that”
“Stole his mailbag”
“Why in the world would you ever do that”
“I like the mailbag it reminds me of the time I spent in the Mailroom”
“Well, do you have a flashlight so I can see your ‘creation’?”
“Let me go check the kitchen”
As he exits I catch a glimpse of his “creation” it looks to be a statue I try to get a closer look at it for my eyes have adjusted to the lights, its dripping wet. It feels kinda mushy, I probably  shouldn't touch it.
John with the best of timing walks through the door with a light
“Here you go, ”he handed me the flashlight, the moment he handed the flashlight I immediately switched it on and pointed at the statue it was a was a bright pink statue that looked like it was just having a blue paint bucket thrown at it.
“It Looks… wonderful what is it made out of”
“It looks cool, but you know I should really be going”
“Ok, well don't let me hold you its a shame we couldn't catch up”
“Yeah, I'm sorry, oh and I almost forgot why is a Kims car out front”
“Oh, I gave them a ride to the airport, I heard they were getting married down at the Bahamas next month”
“I heard, do you plan on going’
“Now I should really get my place sorted out I don't know if you noticed, but its kinda messed up”
“No, I didn't just make sure this place is in better shape next time ok?“
“How about the Sunday after the next”
“I have nothing planned, why don't we try to replace that carpet”
“Cool lets ok see you next time”I got into my car and drove off and well he's just a little crazy.

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