Mutant Marcus | Teen Ink

Mutant Marcus

December 8, 2014
By Anonymous


Marcus is a dog; he wakes up and goes outside and said, “What a nice day.”
“Good morning Marcus” said Tony. Marcus`s best friend is also a dog. “Just woke up?”
“Yes,” said Marcus. “Want to come with me?”
“Where?” said Tony. “into the place where all the bats` live?”
“No and I told you there are no bats living there,” said Marcus. “My home is just like Batman`s cave, Tony you been inside, and you never have seen a bat inside have you?”
“No I have not” said Tony.
“I meant if you want to go to the hot spring, that`s abandoned where I have a cabin.” said Marcus.
“it’s true that it’s like Batman`s cave,” said Tony. “but regarding the hot spring let`s go now.”
“It`s up there right on top of that mountain.” said Marcus.
“That is cool, I race you up there. what do you say?” said Tony with joy for he wanted to race Marcus but never was able to challenge him.
“Sure,” said Marcus being confident on thinking he`s going to win. “I bet I can beat you!”
Since Tony proposed a race, they both raced up to the hot spring at the top of a mountain.  They both ran through a medium size forest, and they met different obstacles like: rocks, trees, ponds, and animals. Marcus fell in a pond, and Tony was tripping over rocks and ran into trees. Since Marcus lived near there, he knew a short cut but did not know that Tony also knew a short cut.  During their race an old man was getting wood for his fire place he then saw them running, and he got scared that he would get bite and would probably get rabies by the dogs. They both had to face an anaconda. Tony passed by tiptoeing over the anaconda while it was moving; Tony fell down twice and was not notice by the snake. Marcus also did the same thing as Tony, but he did not fall. After that they both thought of cheating by taking a short cut for they were both tired of all the obstacles’, and they then take the short cut and got to the hot spring where they were super tired.
“It`s a tie” said Marcus as he jumps into the hot spring.
“What`s in the cabin?” asked Tony.
Marcus then gets out of the hot spring and opens the door of the cabin, when Tony went inside he had his eyes wide open looking at Marcus`s plans.
Tony said, “All this just for a machine?”
“Yes” said Marcus. “the machine will turn me human.”
“You really want to be a human,” said Tony.
“Yes” said Marcus.
“I mean I guess it would be fine,” said Tony. “Now let’s go into the water.”
Tony and Marcus both jump into the hot spring, until Tony saw a red light inside the cabin that was going on and off.  Tony didn`t know what the red light was so he didn`t tell Marcus, but Tony then saw that the light was going on and off faster. Tony then told Marcus about the red light.
“Oh no” said Marcus. “Tony get out of the water, the pound is coming.”
They both get out of the water and go hide in a nearby bush; they both made it in time hide for the pound.
“Search over there,” said pound officer 1. “I think the old man was imaging things.”
“I did not find anything did you?” said another pound officer 2.
“Wait,” said the pound officer 1.
The two pound offices then go into the cabin.
“What is this?” said both pound officers.
“I have no idea,” said the pound officer1. “but let`s destroy it!”
The two pound officers finish destroying, Marcus`s plan. Marcus enters his cabin and gets sad.
“They destroyed my plans to get my machine,” said Marcus angrily.
Toney decides to keep quit for Marcus was mad; he knows he should help out Marcus.
“Let`s go after the machine you want” said Tony.
“Were going on a train” said Marcus.
Marcus and Tony both hop into a train that is going to Oregon Ville. They had to hide were all the suitcases were at, for they would not get caught and get kicked out of the train. Once they arrive they get off quickly, and they then head towards the street because they are going to locate the building.
“Okay we`re looking for eight street” said Marcus.
“Look its right there” said Tony quickly.
“So that it means it`s somewhere over there” said Marcus pointing east.
“No it’s over there” says Tony pointing the opposite way of were Marcus was pointing at.
Marcus and Tony head over to eight street not knowing that an old lady is going towards them because she thought they were street dogs and she is going to take them to her home.
“Now which building is it?” said Marcus.
“That one right over there it matches with the one on your paper” said Tony.
They both head over to the building and go inside thinking there is no guard. A guard then just grabs Marcus.
“Run,” said Marcus.” I’ll hold him off just run.”
Tony runs out of the building; Marcus struggles to get loose and so Marcus lost hope of escaping.
“If I turn both of you guys then I can get money for turning you guys in” said the guard.
Marcus then bites the guard`s hand, and then leaves because he knows more guards will come and he knows he would not be able to escape. Marcus then saw Tony by the stoplight; Marcus then walks toward Tony in a depressed mode.
Tony asked, “Where are we going to spend the night?”
“I had not thought if that until right now” said Marcus sadly for he didn`t think of this.
The old lady who was walking towards Marcus and Tony finally gets to them and takes them to her house.
“Thank you for letting us stay here for the night” said Tony and Marcus.
“Both of you can talk” said the old lady scared.
“Do not be scared, I used to be a human but was then put in a dog form,” said Marcus. “Tony here was born as dog and was born with being able to talk human language.”
“Fine,” said the old lady. “both of you sleep upstairs lights out before 9 pm.”
“Okay and Thank you” said Tony Marcus.
Marcus, Tony, and the old lady walk upstairs and go into their rooms, and they all open the doors to their room and they then fall asleep on their bed. Morning comes and Marcus and Tony say thank you to the old lady and head to eight street.
“Wait here,” said Marcus. “I`ll go in alone.”
Marcus goes in beats up a guard, and uses his walky-talky to call another guard to find out where the machine to turn humans to anything and anything to human is at. Marcus gets his answer takes off the guard clothes and walks outside.
“I know where it’s at” said Marcus.
“Where?” said Tony.
“On the third floor” said Marcus.
Marcus then goes back into the building alone reaches the machine without being seen, but he then see Tony. Marcus goes to Tony and they then head to the machine.
“Are you ready” said Tony.
“No” said Marcus
“Then why do all of this?” said Tony.
“Well let`s see how it turns out” said Marcus.
“Okay” said Tony.
“If it works,” said Marcus. “do you want to be human?”
“Nah” said Tony
Marcus then touches the machine and an alarm goes on, and Marcus and Tony panic. They then hear guards coming.
“There” said Marcus.
“An air vent,” said Tony. “You want to escape through there.”
“Yes” said Marcus excitingly.
They both go in through the air vent and right exactly when the guards go into the room they close the air vent and leave. They leave the building and see a McDonald`s, and they stay there till 4 pm. Later Marcus finds out the machine was moved to the second floor. So they both go in head to the second floor without being seen, and Marcus see he will eventually have to choose between two things his friendship or being human. Guards then turn around and see them; they head towards.
“Are you ready” said Tony.
“No” said Marcus.
“Well let`s get to it” said Tony.
“Oh no guards” said Marcus.
“I`ll hold them off” said Tony.
“Thanks” says Marcus as he went to the machine waving good-bye to Tony.
“Do it now!” said Tony, while holding off the guards.
“I will” said Marcus.” Marcus then finds himself in a difficult moment were he has to choose on his friendship with Tony and with being human.
Marcus then thinks hard on what to do in the situation he is in. He then goes through a flashback; he remembers all the good times with his best friend. Marcus also remembers all the bad times as a human, and Marcus clears his head and looks around the room. Marcus wants to be human, but he doesn`t want to remember his grandmother`s death. Marcus chooses his friendship with Tony, so Marcus runs to Tony, gets him and run through the guards; they both get out of the building in slow motion. Marcus then took Tony to the train station, and they both got on a ride to Fresno Ville in the luggage department.
“Why didn`t you use the machine?” asked Tony.
“Because I now enjoy being a dog even more than being a human” said Marcus.
“But you have more years to live as a human than as a dog” said Tony.
“But I would be alone” said Marcus. “As a human I do not anyone and as a dog I have you as a best friend and the dog park even though Jacob lives there”
“Thanks and also thanks for getting me out of there” said Tony.
“It’s what friends do” said Marcus.
They both then fall asleep in the luggage department as the train going to Fresno Ville not knowing that they are wanted for breaking in to the building that is government property. They both stay asleep until luggage hits them for the driver had gone over rocks, which rude kids had put there for that could happen. Marcus and Tony fix the luggage nice and neat and where it’s supposed to go, and they then go back to sleeping.

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