Christmas Time | Teen Ink

Christmas Time

December 17, 2014
By lexi baylor SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
lexi baylor SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Tossing and turning, I can’t fall sleep. I crawl out of bed quietly so my parents won’t realize I’m awake.  I tip toe to the window and place my hands on the frozen glass. I press my nose up to the window and look to the sky. It’s a beautifully cold night, not a cloud in sight, just the twinkle of stars reflecting off the ice. Searching the sky, I wish that maybe,
just maybe,
I’ll get a glimpse of Him. Or hear the pit patter of feet on my roof. Or maybe even hear a little commotion downstairs in the living room where stockings hang over the subdued fire and big chocolate chip cookies and a tall glass of refreshing milk wait on a table. But instead, I’m startled by the sound of my own bedroom door opening. Behind it, my older sister who peaks her head around the door and reminds me to go back to bed.
But she doesn’t understand
Santa Clause is on his way to our house right now.
I believe in Santa Clause.
He’s flying through the night sky with presents filled throughout his sleigh.  His magical reindeer lead him from house to house delivering presents to the good girls and boys and coal to those who’ve been naughty. Rudolph leads his sleigh, followed by Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner and Blitzen.
I believe in reindeers.
Santa’s elves have carefully made each toy for the kids with tender love and care. They work three hundred and sixty four days a year preparing for this one night. Mrs. Clauses makes sure Santa’s suit is dry cleaned and ready for his trip from the North Pole.
I believe in Elves’.
I believe that Santa can fit down any chimney, no matter what size.
I believe in chestnuts roasting on an open fire.
I believe in waking up early and running down stairs to open up stockings.
I believe in leaving milk and cookies.
I believe that the more Christmas lights on a house, the better Santa can see.
I believe in candy canes and gingerbread.
I believe that Christmas is more than a day in December. It is a time when family and friends come together. It is a time when grownups become young again. A time of laughter and caroling.  A time of innocence. A time of joy.
I believe in Christmas Time.

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