The Mountain Climber | Teen Ink

The Mountain Climber

January 9, 2015
By Nicholas Richmond BRONZE, Tomball, Texas
Nicholas Richmond BRONZE, Tomball, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Ahhhhhh”! I ran out the door to see where the scream came from. I used my student counsel key to get to the rooftop; hurriedly I put the key in the lock struggling to get it open. I finally busted through the door but strangely…I saw no one. “Ahhhh it’s pulling on my crotch”! I ran over to the balcony to look over the ledge and noticed an older man, probably in his late 20’s, early 30’s, hanging from the ledge upside down by a mountain climbing rope. Without question I pulled him up with all my might, plopping him on-top of the roof.
“oh my god, powder aint gonna fix this one, woohoohoo”! As I looked at the man, he was dressed in mountain climbing gear, a hard hat because that would of course protect from the 5 story fall down, and on his right side was a pick axe for scaling mountain sides. “Our school is brick, what was he planning on doing with the pick axe…..” I thought to myself. “Thank you little man, usually I’m pretty good about getting up here, but the steel cleats came off my boots” oh yeah he does have hiking boots, all be d----- “and I wound up flipping upside down”. So for about 2 or 3 months the student body had been finding booze, graphic magazines, and food wrappers on the school’s roof so it was eventually closed to students. Even after locking the door though we were still finding the items on the roof every morning. The findings were thought to be council members sneaking up at night all the way up to a ghost with weird taste. Whelp, looks like we found Casper now didn’t we.

The author's comments:

Honestly it just seemed like a fun idea.

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