silence makes distance unbearable | Teen Ink

silence makes distance unbearable

February 20, 2015
By kraykray16 SILVER, Lancaster, California
kraykray16 SILVER, Lancaster, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She comfortably sat in the window seat in her bedroom, with her legs hugged tightly to her chest, head rested on her knees. Staring out of the glass window panes, she searched the horizon with big, chocolate brown eyes laced with long, dark inky lashes. Her eyes were like a child’s- almond-shaped and full- and at times, held a kind of look that could only be described as devious, like you never knew what to expect. It was the kind of personality that some found dangerous and annoying, but it was the beauty that was indefinitely her. Sometimes, if one looked closely enough, they could see the slightest sliver of Potential sparkle in her brown eyes, like a sun’s ray on the blue, bottomless ocean.

But today, there was no sparkle. There was no deviousness, not even a hint. Today, like the countless days that had been, her eyes were shrouded in a clouded haze, like she wasn’t sitting in her room on a comfortable cushion in the bay window. Like she was a million miles away, somewhere far and distant, and unreachable.

A piece of her long hair fell over her saddened eyes. Resembling her almond eyes, the long luscious hair was a beautiful dark brown, that fell perfectly, and annoyingly, like when she’s taking a test, and she’s trying hard to remember an impossible answer to an impossible question.

Reaching up quietly to brush it smoothly behind her ear, she suddenly remembers when she’s standing with Him, comfortably close, and so pleasantly alone. Her dark hair had fallen rebelliously in front of her big eyes, and he’d tenderly, lovingly, reached out and brushed it aside.


It’d been years since they’d last called. It was an exciting nightly ritual that they both loved to partake in, something they tried to make happen every night. Every now and again, something would indecently come up; too much homework, a school or church activity, family time. But neither of the two would let too many long days get in between calls- neither could even bear that long of a gap before they hear each other’s alluring voice.

Ok, so maybe it wasn’t years, but it sure felt like it. It was probably more like a few days, but to her, it was an eternity she was not willing to wait.

The much-awaited letter hadn’t come in the mail, and she was overwhelmed with uneasiness. Oh how it surged through her, this worry! Oh how it tortured her very soul to not hear from Him!

It tore at her, like a vicious animal will tear at its prey. It chased her to her dreams, bewitching and leaving no corner that it didn’t overtake. It consumed her like gasoline alight with the fire from a curious and deadly match.

The author's comments:

One of the first things we did in creative writing was the teacher wanted us to keep a notebook of 5 observations about anything. This is so we can take any one of those observations and turn them into a story or a poem later if we wanted. We took one of our observations and did this for our first assignment, and the title of this flash fiction is the observaton I made.

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